I haven't gotten much time to play Fallout 4 since release and the majority of my time has been spent with the settlement building system. So far I have more complaints with this system than anything else... I hoping to see some modding done to fix this or hopefully Bethesda themselves will.
Essentially what I'm trying to do is add on to the house in Sanctuary to make it my base of operations... Problem is, adding walls attatched to the house, or just angled walls for that matter, is an extremely frustrating experience. Walls have no small corners? Seriously? You can't even merge them together? I'm considering moving to the Red Rocket Gas Station instead because of all these issues...
Anyway, here are some features I want to see:
1. The ability to turn off "Snap to Structure". Seriously, this is insanely important in any building mode.. Think Halo's forge mode. It was easy to understand and would fit perfectly. Add in various snapping angles, the ability to turn it off, etc.
2. All structures in a catagory should snap and be adjustable.. This is a very big annoyance for me as I like to build with various different types of walls so they don't all look the same. Some of the metal walls don't snap right to each other and some don't snap period.
3. Merging objects together (Within reason.. Walls and rooftops definitely). I know I said this before but it needs to be added... You can't make walls fit perfectly, especially since the basic walls are ONE SIZE ONLY (#4). This is extremely important for making rooftops blend together.
4. Where are my half walls? What about quarter walls? There is a huge amount of potential here but I can't build without the right materials. Part of that is giving us more flexibility with our wall sizes.
5. Multiple stair sizes or a way to build our own. A single stair size is just frustrating when the walls don't want to fit together right.. Thank goodness the stairs reach the top of the roof of that house in sanctuary.
6. Much wider varity of containers and the ability to put the ones that should fit on a freaking shelf... Where are my ammo boxes? How about my fridges? What about my lockers!?
7. Make all objects available to build everywhere and make ALL movable objects buildable. As of right now certain objects are only found in certain areas (such as dumpsters at gas stations) and can't be rebuilt once destroyed. These shouldn't be tied to a specific area and definitely shouldn't be left off of the build list.