Item and area respawn bugs?

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:52 pm

Running into something strange, both the Ranger Cabin and Wicked Shipping will reset all items and containers after leaving the area, letting it despawn (IE, running back to Sanctuary and back). However, the enemies never change location from where they were killed or respawn.
I've been able to test this out now with two friends on Steam via Broadcasts and have seen them both have the exact same issue. One thing that is just for me not mentioned above, there is a dresser in Concord, upstairs next to a wall safe. This home is nearest the Red Rocket. In that dresser there is a red bandanna and a set of welding goggles. Every time the game generates that home when I'm close enough or fast travel back to the area, one of each of those items is added. It's a counter at this point to tell me how many times I've been in that area! I'm done playing for a few months until these issues are ironed out as it breaks the immersion for me.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix these random inventory issues, I'm up to try them! Back to Skyrim for now! :)
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Jessica Nash
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