I've been playing for a short while with a relatively new character. Things have seemed fine so far, but there's still a lot he hasn't done and, more specifically, there are still many merchants he has yet to interact with. I loaded my last save, which was inside Skar in Ald'ruhn, and then proceeded out the door to visit the merchant http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Dandera_Selaro... and there's a big problem. For sale she only has a very small variety of iron, steel, and silver weapons, and a pair of Netch leather gauntlets. I can see the Adamantium and Bonemold behind her, but it's not for sale. Talking/persuasion has no effect. Waiting has no effect.
So, being a Mash user, I went back and re-examined my load order and the related installers. It all looks right. I updated my "Mashed Lists.esp" and updated the Masters. I loaded the game back up, waited for about a week, and then went out to talk to her again. Still, her items for sale were as above... no armor to speak of at all (besides the same Netch leather gauntlets). But this time, after talking to her (every single dialog option, no persuasion), her inventory filled up as I expected! Yay! Fixed! So I immediately saved at that point thinking, "OK, this is a good point to work from".
But, it wasn't. As soon as I saved, and without doing anything else (ie: I didn't reload, I didn't talk to her, or anyone else, I didn't leave/re-enter cells), I went into the barter screen with her again... and no armor.

OK, so I didn't figure this would work, but I reloaded the save I had just made and tried again. No armor. So, I went back to the previous save and repeated the process of waiting/dialog/barter.... and there it was!

And then, it was gone again, and in the same conversation with her!

It's very strange, but I can only get her to show me the full compliment of available armor once, and that's only after going through the wait/talk/barter process. I've looked and looked, and I can't find anything like this out there in the interwebs. According to Wrye Mash and Mlox, everything is fine with the installers, the load order, and the save(s). It makes me wonder how many other vendor lists are going to be hosed, and if this is a sign of some deeper problem with further-reaching implications. This save is only at level 12 now... it would be a real bummer to get much further only to find that irrevocable damage had been done sometime in the past.
OK, I wasn't as concise as I intended; my apologies. I kind of found it to be a difficult issue to describe, for what that's worth! I'll put the load order below, and I can provide any additional info needed upon request.
Thanks, and I do hope you are all having a great day!
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
005 Better Heads.esm
006 Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
007 Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
008 WeatheredSigns.esp
009 entertainers.esp
010 BetterBooks_AlchFormfix.esp
011 PropylonLighting1.0.esp
012 AreaEffectArrows.esp
013 master_index.esp
014 IceNioLivRobeReplacerPLUS.esp
015 LeFemmArmor.esp
016 adamantiumarmor.esp
017 DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp
018 bcsounds.esp
019 Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp
020 EBQ_Artifact.esp
021 Siege at Firemoth.esp
022 Better Bodies.esp
023 DB_Attack_Mod.esp
024 Syc_HerbalismforPurists (Pearl Bug Edit).esp (Version 1.2)
025 Syc_HerbalismforPurists_BM.esp
026 New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp
027 New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp
028 Syc_HerbalismforPurists_TB.esp
029 Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
030 AEA-Compatibility.esp
031 More Better Clothes.ESP
032 Mashed Lists.esp
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
005 Better Heads.esm
006 Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
007 Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
008 WeatheredSigns.esp
009 entertainers.esp
010 BetterBooks_AlchFormfix.esp
011 PropylonLighting1.0.esp
012 AreaEffectArrows.esp
013 master_index.esp
014 IceNioLivRobeReplacerPLUS.esp
015 LeFemmArmor.esp
016 adamantiumarmor.esp
017 DXM_masterindex_journalfix.esp
018 bcsounds.esp
019 Better Clothes_v1.1_nac.esp
020 EBQ_Artifact.esp
021 Siege at Firemoth.esp
022 Better Bodies.esp
023 DB_Attack_Mod.esp
024 Syc_HerbalismforPurists (Pearl Bug Edit).esp (Version 1.2)
025 Syc_HerbalismforPurists_BM.esp
026 New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp
027 New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp
028 Syc_HerbalismforPurists_TB.esp
029 Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
030 AEA-Compatibility.esp
031 More Better Clothes.ESP
032 Mashed Lists.esp