Well if you really want to since your on pc you can use the command console to replace your items. For Mehrune's Razor you would hit the tilde (~) key and type
player.additem 240d2 1
The 240d2 is the item, the 1 following it is how many.
Here is a page that shows the other item id's of your lost loot. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Items
Typically I don't add items to my character but if I lose them due to a glitch or bug then I have no problems doing so. And one time I started a poor knight character as a playthrough and added Iron armor and a steel sword. But for the most part I think if you just add too many items that takes away from the feeling of accomplishing quests to earn them. But, since there is no way to cheat in a single player game and you earned them, I'd do it