Fingers crossed you'd get some good mods on consoles too
Fingers crossed you'd get some good mods on consoles too
Mods to fix bugs? That's silly, Bethesda should be patching this.
This particular bug has not been around since they introduced Havoc. I have never had any issues with placed items sinking into the floor and disappearing in Oblivion, Skyrim, or Fallout 3, either on console or PC. While items may have been an extreme pain in the neck to place in the previous names, I've never had an item vanish. The worst that would ever happen is the item would return to the position where it was last dropped onto the floor, but the fix for that was to go outside the cell and save and reload, and then place the items. No mod required. This bug was introduced with Fallout 4 and it is too early yet to determine if Bethesda will fix it considering that settlements and the workshop menu is a major feature in this game.
sadly this is classic Bethesda I gave up on the whole decorating thing because of this
Have you tried placing things manually by grabbing, the old fashioned way? I decorated my house very successfully that way. I've got tons of stuff on shelves, on containers and on a table, and only rarely has something I've placed manually fallen through a table.
Never happened for me in Oblivion, but then again, I usually played with the Unofficial Patch mod..
I've been doing that, manually setting up my pad in diamond city. It's a painful process though, you can't rotate objects & place them just the way you want them, something else I thought Bethesda would have amended to help their fans enjoy the game just that little bit more. There needs to be a tool mechanic for placing items around the room with ease & not spend half hour just placing a nuka cola bottle on a shelf with the label facing you. Just makes me not want to invest any time doing up my house. Too much effort for too little gain.
If they have no plans on fixing this, the least they can do is add items on the shelves by default (One with books, one with food, one with junk, etc). Having a house full of empty shelves looks terrible and gives little meaning to the whole customize your settlement when it'll look like nobody lives there.
Okay, so I've tried manually placing items and the same thing happens... Could it be of foundations, that the house is up in the hill which is sloped that's causing it? Everytime I come back, the pack of cigarettes item gets pushed to the edge of the table, the ashtray falls through halfway, the beer bottles sink to the floor, a whiskey bottle falls off a desk and Sugar Bombs sink through the table.. This seriously needs to be fixed.
It's a really annoying visual bug. Makes decorating your homes pretty much futile, just no point leaving anything cool anywhere seeing as, the next time you visit your home everything will have either disappeared, or sank through the platforms they were set on, or thrown all over the room area.
I've tried understanding the technical reason for this. I mean I know it's got something to do with the rigidbodies and their colliders but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. Actually the most likely reason for this in my opinion is that, certain specified data on inactive cells (the game is seperated in to cells which are loaded depending on where your character is physically located at) is stored in memory for optimization related reasons, the data could include prop items which by default have no need to function when you cannot even see them. Instead of just culling these objects, disabling their renderer or such, the game instead could be completely destroying these objects after storing their integer, float and boolean values in memory. Then once their respective cell is loaded, the items are regenerated based on those values stored in the memory.
If such is the case. Then the probable error lies in the whole destroy-regenerate process, seeing as when those prop items are originally placed ontop of other items, they keep closing proximity until the colliders meet exactly, so once the items are regenerated in the exact spot they were destroyed in, the items might not recognize collision before they've already gone through eachother. As far as I can tell the problem is not with them being spawned in 0,0,0 angle instead of their "original" xyz.. So maybe it's just a an issue with the engine and how it calculates collisions (we know there's no such thing as a PERFECT collision detection no matter what the game engine).
With all said, if my speculations are right, then atleast one quick fix for this (which might help atleast a bit) would be to have the system work as I assume it is working at the moment, but changing the item renegaration "y position" by adding a small positive number to the original value, say 0.2 units or anything else which makes sense (not sure how units are measured in FO's engine). The idea would be to regenerate the placed prop items slightly "above" their original position from which they would fall down back on the platform they were placed at before. This would probably fix the items going through tables and other platforms 90% of the time, if my theories are correct.
Then again, the cause might be something very different and everything I said would have no positive effect on anything... Often times finding and fixing bugs have to be resolved on "hit or miss"-basis, which is time consuming and most of all very frustrating.
I hope this gets fixed one day.
So far, it seems that the only things I can place around safely are Nuka Colas (Though about 1% of the time, they fall too, may be a furniture issue). It's making my settlement look like everyone is addicted to them, Sheffield doesn't help the case either. I don't really understand how it works because in 2 different places, I have a coffee pot on top of a table, same kind of pot, same kind of table, except one was placed by me and the other was there by default and only the one I placed falls through it. I bet that if I move the one that was already there, even a little bit, it'll start falling through the table as well.
I'm very disappointed with this and I don't think we'll get an official patch for it since it's most likely seen as a "No big deal" kind of thing.
I have a friend who was very upset to lose 2 nuka quantums that fell through the table & never to be seen again. So I wouldn't feel to safe in the knowledge that nuka colas won't just sink into oblivion.
Oh yeah, I keep the Quantum ones in my safe, I don't risk those ones. Now, after about 40 hours since I placed them, 5 nuka colas fell through the fridge. I don't really get it, it didn't just happen to those items, a shotgun that I placed on a table that I placed at the same time as those Nuka Colas also fell through it as well.
I don't know, this never happened in Oblivion, and it used cells too. But then again, the houses were indoor, and not outdoor like in Fallout 4 (excluding Red Rocket) and placing them outside would make them disappear in 3 days.
AFAIK Fallout 3 didn't have such issue either, I can't confirm that though.
More items have started falling through after I removed a few items away from a table... This is literally unusable right now
Add me to the list of unhappy Commonwealth interior decorators.
The strangest part of the problem is that it doesn't happen with EVERY item. For example, my Championship Bowling Ball stays exactly where I place it (using either placement method). But the Championship Bowling Pin sinks halfway through everything. Mr. Handy Model - sinks. (Somebody)'s skull sits pefectly, even with the movable jawbone.
In FO3, I was able to put things on top of other things in my Megaton home and they stayed put. Skyrim had weapon display racks and armor mannequins you could buy. I realize all the furniture was fixed in place in both those games, and that's probably the cause of the problem. They have to know about this. At the E3 reveal, Todd Howard even said they were amazed to see how much time players spent customizing and decorating their homes. They must know this is broken.
I'm being optimistic that Bethesda will patch this. They built this wonderfully complex and addictive building system, but it can't cope with inventory items placed on the dozens of available surfaces? That's a deep flaw, not a simple visual glitch.
Sorry to double-post, but this is unrelated to my complaint post above...
I agree with whomever speculated it's related to the 0,0,0 point of the object. In a previous life, I was a mechanical designer and worked extensively in 3D solid modeling software (Solidworks & Autodesk Inventor). It's usually called the origin point. There are also various planes for objects. For example, the shelves are built correctly that the "rear" plane is at the back and all the features of the shelf are extruded forward. That's how it can snap to a wall in only one orientation.
We know their engines can do it... I'm sure you all remember the Rube Goldberg grocery store in FO3. It's got something to do with the moveable geometry. I'm a designer, not a coder, but I really hope they can fix it. If they re-code the objects with their "bottom" planes to be at the visual bottom (think of your sinking liquor bottles), it might trash a lot of nicely decorated scenes - including people's settlements - but that's what patching is all about.
Come on guys! Patch!
(Everyone else: please stay positive and ask nicely. I want to believe they're reading these forums and paying attention.)
I'm neither a coder nor an engineer and have no idea what the problem here is, but I also hope there's some kind of fix to this in the future. Like an awful lot of people who play games like FO I enjoy making my post-nuclear hovel look a little more like home.
This never happened in either Oblivion or Fallout 3.
Only since Skyrim has this been an issue. Want a fix? Yeah well it can wait behind non-disappearing ash/goo piles (i.e. never going to happen).
I mean honestly. They made it so that magazine racks can store and display magazines, I refuse to believe that nobody at Bethesda didn't know that if you ever return to the cell that they will all fall on the floor.
Ok this has been discussed. Most items in Skyrim were havok settled by default. Plates, baskets, cups, bowls, just about everything. Because those items had to be secure on tables without flying around on load. Just about everything in Fallout besides weapons and armor that you are trying to set in a certain spot and keep it there is considered "Junk." Junk that needs to be unsettled, creating a destructive setting from nuclear blasts. Why was that item sitting nice and neat on a table when you picked it up? Because it was checked to be havok settled and not move by the creators adding items to a room or building. When you pick that up, i assume it becomes unchecked and after re-placing that item, reverts back to its default setting of not being havok settled, which will cause that item to flop around and go through tables on load.
This ruined building for me I spent a whole day decorating my settlement to find out when I leave and come back it all disappeared or scattered about, this really makes building shallow and boring id rather just buy set ups to put into my diamond city house at merchants like previous fallouts then this nonsense looks ridiculous with empty everything tables shelves. I uploaded my unfinished settlement on youtube before I take it all down till this is patched or just forget building all together if anyone wants to see how good a settlement looks decorated and how much better it makes it check the video at my channel DustyArt.
Like a christmas tree, without orgaments.