Hi all,
I'd like to setup a loop to iterate over all of the player's followers. Does anyone have thoughts on how to achieve this?
Right now I'm aware that you can reference a player's follower as such:
Follower1.GetRef() ;gets the first followerFollower2.GetRef(); gets the second follower;; Follower1 and Follower2 are of type ReferenceAlias, and initialized to:;; Pick Quest: DialogueFollower;; PickAlias: Follower
And this would access up to 2 followers (humans only, would not include dogs or Serena) providing I initialized them. but with all these mods out there to allow you N followers, I'd rather futureproof my code and iterate over all of the followers regardless of being human, dog, vampire, etc. (DialogueFollower only works for humans above).