Today I played a few rounds in TIA at Impact/City Hall and it seem that there was some enemies floating outside the map/in the map, becoming invisible (no bullets touched) and they could shot at us. Is it some sort of glitch or hack?
Oh I didnt know PS3 have hacks too @_@ *new with the ps3 console* But thanks Bladder! Your welcome,if u want add me so we could play crysis,my psn is the same BLADDERMETAL
Oh I didnt know PS3 have hacks too @_@ *new with the ps3 console* But thanks Bladder! Your welcome,if u want add me so we could play crysis,my psn is the same BLADDERMETAL
Oh that be great ! Will add once I get to on my PS3 (:
Happened to me today playing team deathmatch on Lighthouse. This guy would float around, jumping very very high and dissapearing in the air. He caught me a few times until I dropped him. After that he wasnt doing that again. I'm guessing it's a glitch exploit and not a hack.