I say call it what ever you like, FVFVF AVAVA what every your heart desires, it's your 14.99 a month.. I will simply call it Cyrodill...
I say call it what ever you like, FVFVF AVAVA what every your heart desires, it's your 14.99 a month.. I will simply call it Cyrodill...
DAoC was the single best PvP game ever created. It brought PvP to people who would have normally shunned it. Hell its still going 13 years later.
27 people actually, but point taken. It was one hell of an accomplishment, and a relatively clean launch as well
I need some of what you're smoking. For when it was released DAoC did incredibly well. For all intents and purposes a full on success story that only one MMO released afterwards was able to match or surpass
Also, they got the colors all wrong. Clearly, Aldmeri dominion keeps should be color-coded green(elves), ebonheart pact blue(norse/nord almost the same), and daggerfall covenant red!(saracen/redguard almost the same)
Its dead Jim
Guild Wars 2 was called WvW because it was servers fighting each other.
DAoC called it RvR because it was realms fighting each other.
ESO calls it AvA because its Alliances fighting each other.
Each makes sense for that game. But who cares? Its all PvP.
seriously... do we need a discussion about this?? call it what you want....i imagine most ppl will be able to glean what's meant from the context.
As another stated: RvR is trademarked by EA.
Although we still use it commonly any company not EA cannot advertise their game as RvR. The new generic term is AvA (or AvAvA). CU now uses Tri-Realm but I think they trademarked that for themselves.
Using ANYTHING we understand is perfectly fine for the common player.
Im just going to continue calling it AvA, since thats what its called thanks.
I think its called "Alliance war"... so... AW ?
Stop me if I'm wrong here, but didn't Mythic trademark the term in 2001(ish) and then in 2006(ish), EA bought Mythic ?
I reject the notion that corporations can purchase ownership of generic word combinations.
/r?lm/ Show Spelled [relm] Show IPA
Really?! WoW stole half the stuff from DAoC so only 10s of millions like it.
Agreed. Bet this guy trashing it wasn't even born when it came out.
I think you're branching slightly into a debate of Copyright vs Trademark. The term Realm vs Realm is trademarked, by the person who invented the term. The action of Realm vs Realm is not copyrighted, and so other games are allowed to offer you the feature, they just can't use that exact term to (help) sell their product. The world "realm" isn't trademarked by itself, the term Realm vs Realm as it describes something unique.
It's the same thing as you can't use the name Ben and Jerry's to sell your ice cream. You could argue , that the name Ben and Jerry is nothing special and are common names. if you were selling cars, you could probably use the name without issue, but since the name and logo are trademarked, you can't use it in the same industry. There was that whole fight that Blizzard and Steam got into over the DOTA name is maybe a good example
I'm no expert on trademarks and copyrights, just the basics, so I could be off a bit.