» Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:08 am
Correct - but no company is forcing gamers to buy their titles, and please remember the fact that PC gamers get the most support after launch of a title - this is also why PC is being treated as a second category platform - at least on the release date...
1 thing to add - a project as FO : NV needs at least 14-20 veteran testers for about 9 months for functionality testing per platform... Add 1 coordinator per each platform, 1 lead tester, and compliance teams, and 3-4 junior testers per 1 veteran tester to do the monkey test cases like - check every mountain/wall for clipping issues/colission detection... + additional localisation teams for each language...
Not to mention more complicated bugs, that need like 40 steps to reproduce in such a project - imagine that it is possible in such a game, that if you select let's say 8 perception during the initial statistics selection, this may lead to a crash while you are on lvl 26 and you will kill a bark scorpion or talk to a NPC in Primm - now be so persistent to ascertain that this bug is related to the fact that you chose 8 perception... This game is so complicated, and there are so many variables included in the code that, really chapeau bas for all the development team, and same respect for the testers.
Please also note that when the time is limited, the developers decide to fix Crashes, then block issues that prevent a player from proceeding the game, and then major bugs - like models displayed incorrectly, design feedback and minor bugs are usually not fixed at the end of a project, since there is much more work to be done when it comes to stability of the game
This is helluva work to be done, and trust me, testers don't have so much time to test everything.
Just the raw number of NPCs/spawn points, text strings, colission detection etc...
This game is so huge that it IS not possible to launch it on PC without any bugs - if it was to be done, then Bethesda would run out of money,since the project would need to be tested at least for 36 months, with testers consecutively working with programmers, so just count the testing costs, add to it programmer's cost... (I'm not even counting the artists' costs or the voice actors or even the costs of licensing a havoc engine)
I'm not even mentioning the costs of running a company, publishing the title, or anything else.
I believe that the PC version is decent - only minor issues remain, and during my 48 hours of play I experienced only some random crashes to desktop due to overclocking of my GF 9600 - when I restored the default clock values, the game runs perfectly,with no crashes, and I'm very pleased with 40-50 fps ondetail set to high
Still loads of issues remain - texture seams, colission detection, invisible walls, buuggy AI, NPC cloning and clipping issues...
Believe me, the developers are working hard now, and instead of cussing at them we should report as many issues as possible, to support them, still most of us paid for the game, and patches will be released, so stop barking on the crap and just start reporting bugs - shame there is no bug report system available for general use :/
Still love the game :fallout:
@Mike - first games were run on oscilloscopes, and then arcade machines, the next platform were game intended 'computers' - atari, commodre, zx spectrum and home entertainment systems. PC games started in late 1980s - please guys get more info before writing things that are not true...