Its over Falliou NV is FAIL. Proof of concept it was rigged

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:02 am


You stoned, or just pulled that rant straight out your ass? I don't even know where to begin correcting your flawed arguments, on second thought, I won't even bother.
(Normally I don't do this kind of pointless posts, but someone had to tell him...)
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:20 pm

No real issues here, runs a lot better than FO3 did, 80 hours in and only a few crashes unlike FO3 where my desktop put in regular appearances. If your uncle refuses to sell PC games that have bugs then he must have pretty empty shelves.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:46 am

You stoned, or just pulled that rant straight out your ass? I don't even know where to begin correcting your flawed arguments, on second thought, I won't even bother.
(Normally I don't do this kind of pointless posts, but someone had to tell him...)

Do it boy
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:33 am

pointless poll as you didnt ask can you play it with all the bugs !
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:33 am

Seriously, I understand your frustration, but your topic adds nothing of worth into this forum. Or to rephrase: "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all".
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:57 pm

After about 60 hours into the game I have no crashes, freezes, framerate drops, or any other issues. I have only experienced a few minor glitches here and there. I play on ultra settings @1920x1080 on the following specs:

AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE
Kingston HyperX 8GB DDR3
ATI Radeon HD 5870
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:32 pm

Silly poll, yes i will buy next game from them etc, there wasent that option.

I played 42 hours, no crashes yet
i got fps issues but i used the dll file so everything is smooth as silk

The game is perfect, engine is good to, especialy when using texturepacks

I can live with alittle bugs, good that we have a nice comunity that fixes alot
of the bad bugs.

Overall: :fallout:
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:39 am

The engine is fine.

I don't know about that. It works, but fine? I'd like them to use a newer, better optimized engine! If they don't, will it stop me from buying the next TES/Fallout game? Nope, not a chance.
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:28 am

As an actual games tester I have to put some of my input in:
Most of the games are released for console platforms, so most of the testing is usually done for XBOX and PS3 - don't whine about PC version being buggy - PCs are not intended for games,, if u wish to play a stable version - go buy an X360 - all problems will be solved. Testing a game for PCs takes loads of time, and requires loads of money to at least get some of the hardware available - PC gaming is over - face the truth. You want to know how a game testing process works and why the mmost bugs are in the PC version? Here you go:

1. Most of the games are sold for consoles - selling in millions of copies - the pc market is just a fraction of it - so why bother spending too much money on testing for PCs? Even though, if the game will be released a little amount of people will buy it,. max 200 000 copies will be sold - so the income compared to the console versions is pretty low - why to invest in testing for PCs?
2. A farily high number of PC users will download a pirated version of the game using p2p.
3.In order for the game to be released on consoles - the game needs to comply certain standarts - both for the Sony Console and the Microsoft one - so most of the focus is put into complying with those standarts (FTC/TCR for XBOX TRC for PS3) - PCs have no standards at all so the port for PC is dealt at the end - in the final stage of the project.
4. PC is a custom platform, there are so many different configurations, that the developers are just not able to comply with all the configurations, and can only test and release the title for the most popular graphic cards/ motherboards and processors. Read point 1 and 2 why releasing a game for PCs is not profitable.
5. Since there is so little time for testing the PC versions, most of the companies decide to release the game as it is, and then release patches - this doesn't hurt anybody and in the end the PC verson always runs in better graphics / stability than the console version

So why at all bother releasing a game for PC?

I have a great respect for all the developers, and I know how stressing and ungrateful this work is because such noobs as you.

If you cvan do it better- do a game yourself and do the testing, if you own loads of money - just be a sponsor of a game - we'll see how you sing after the budget for such a project is counted.
For now be grateful that this great game was released for the PC market.
If you do't like the game, stay put and don't buy it - your whining won't do anything.

Instead of buying new hardware each month - go buy an Xbox. If you don't like it stop playing at all - no one asks you to do it. On my gf 9600 , 4 gigs of ram and a dual core athlon 64 processor I got 45+ frames on Windows 7 in high detail + very hgih LOD settings. Instead of [censored]ing around, be happy what you got.

If you don't know anything about the specifics fo the games industry don't write [censored] posts, get some info instead.
Grow up

@ Bethesda guys - yeah this is why games should be released only for consoles - so that such a ingnorant fool won't criticise your work :/
Testers are with you - remember :)

"PCs are not intended for games."

First of all that has the be the stupidest statement i've read on the forum since the game released. PC gaming is the oldest platform and will always be a gaming platform, it will never "die" as has been predicted by various idiots after the release of every console since the 1980s.

You have points that the profit margins on PC are lower, it's harder to test for, and QA likely aren't given time they need. That's all true. But that doesn't mean companies have a golden ticket to released barely usable products for 60 dollars that seem to have not even underwent basic testing on the most popular hardware configurations, or even basic installation testing as seen by the launch issues with Steam.

That might be how gaming industry is now, but it shouldn't be, and people have a right to complain to about it.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:08 am

Correct - but no company is forcing gamers to buy their titles, and please remember the fact that PC gamers get the most support after launch of a title - this is also why PC is being treated as a second category platform - at least on the release date...
1 thing to add - a project as FO : NV needs at least 14-20 veteran testers for about 9 months for functionality testing per platform... Add 1 coordinator per each platform, 1 lead tester, and compliance teams, and 3-4 junior testers per 1 veteran tester to do the monkey test cases like - check every mountain/wall for clipping issues/colission detection... + additional localisation teams for each language...
Not to mention more complicated bugs, that need like 40 steps to reproduce in such a project - imagine that it is possible in such a game, that if you select let's say 8 perception during the initial statistics selection, this may lead to a crash while you are on lvl 26 and you will kill a bark scorpion or talk to a NPC in Primm - now be so persistent to ascertain that this bug is related to the fact that you chose 8 perception... This game is so complicated, and there are so many variables included in the code that, really chapeau bas for all the development team, and same respect for the testers.
Please also note that when the time is limited, the developers decide to fix Crashes, then block issues that prevent a player from proceeding the game, and then major bugs - like models displayed incorrectly, design feedback and minor bugs are usually not fixed at the end of a project, since there is much more work to be done when it comes to stability of the game
This is helluva work to be done, and trust me, testers don't have so much time to test everything.
Just the raw number of NPCs/spawn points, text strings, colission detection etc...
This game is so huge that it IS not possible to launch it on PC without any bugs - if it was to be done, then Bethesda would run out of money,since the project would need to be tested at least for 36 months, with testers consecutively working with programmers, so just count the testing costs, add to it programmer's cost... (I'm not even counting the artists' costs or the voice actors or even the costs of licensing a havoc engine)
I'm not even mentioning the costs of running a company, publishing the title, or anything else.
I believe that the PC version is decent - only minor issues remain, and during my 48 hours of play I experienced only some random crashes to desktop due to overclocking of my GF 9600 - when I restored the default clock values, the game runs perfectly,with no crashes, and I'm very pleased with 40-50 fps ondetail set to high
Still loads of issues remain - texture seams, colission detection, invisible walls, buuggy AI, NPC cloning and clipping issues...
Believe me, the developers are working hard now, and instead of cussing at them we should report as many issues as possible, to support them, still most of us paid for the game, and patches will be released, so stop barking on the crap and just start reporting bugs - shame there is no bug report system available for general use :/

Still love the game :fallout:

@Mike - first games were run on oscilloscopes, and then arcade machines, the next platform were game intended 'computers' - atari, commodre, zx spectrum and home entertainment systems. PC games started in late 1980s - please guys get more info before writing things that are not true...
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:23 am

As an actual games tester I have to put some of my input in:
Most of the games are released for console platforms, so most of the testing is usually done for XBOX and PS3 - don't whine about PC version being buggy - PCs are not intended for games,, if u wish to play a stable version - go buy an X360 - all problems will be solved. Testing a game for PCs takes loads of time, and requires loads of money to at least get some of the hardware available - PC gaming is over - face the truth. You want to know how a game testing process works and why the mmost bugs are in the PC version? Here you go:

1. Most of the games are sold for consoles - selling in millions of copies - the pc market is just a fraction of it - so why bother spending too much money on testing for PCs? Even though, if the game will be released a little amount of people will buy it,. max 200 000 copies will be sold - so the income compared to the console versions is pretty low - why to invest in testing for PCs?
2. A farily high number of PC users will download a pirated version of the game using p2p.
3.In order for the game to be released on consoles - the game needs to comply certain standarts - both for the Sony Console and the Microsoft one - so most of the focus is put into complying with those standarts (FTC/TCR for XBOX TRC for PS3) - PCs have no standards at all so the port for PC is dealt at the end - in the final stage of the project.
4. PC is a custom platform, there are so many different configurations, that the developers are just not able to comply with all the configurations, and can only test and release the title for the most popular graphic cards/ motherboards and processors. Read point 1 and 2 why releasing a game for PCs is not profitable.
5. Since there is so little time for testing the PC versions, most of the companies decide to release the game as it is, and then release patches - this doesn't hurt anybody and in the end the PC verson always runs in better graphics / stability than the console version

So why at all bother releasing a game for PC?

I have a great respect for all the developers, and I know how stressing and ungrateful this work is because such noobs as you.

If you cvan do it better- do a game yourself and do the testing, if you own loads of money - just be a sponsor of a game - we'll see how you sing after the budget for such a project is counted.
For now be grateful that this great game was released for the PC market.
If you do't like the game, stay put and don't buy it - your whining won't do anything.

Instead of buying new hardware each month - go buy an Xbox. If you don't like it stop playing at all - no one asks you to do it. On my gf 9600 , 4 gigs of ram and a dual core athlon 64 processor I got 45+ frames on Windows 7 in high detail + very hgih LOD settings. Instead of [censored]ing around, be happy what you got.

If you don't know anything about the specifics fo the games industry don't write [censored] posts, get some info instead.
Grow up

@ Bethesda guys - yeah this is why games should be released only for consoles - so that such a ingnorant fool won't criticise your work :/
Testers are with you - remember :)

This is the most ignorant thing I've read on the internet this year. Congrats. Also, you should be fired from your tester position for typing something so foolish and stupid.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:03 am

As an actual games tester ................:

I call bs. Isn't it amazing how many of these threads are populated by so-called experts? From this "actual games tester" (what games have you worked on?) with a join date of 11/07/10 to all the so-called pc techs who just know that there mega super duper pc couldn't possibly be having any issues.

One thread even had a guy who claimed to be NASA computer engineer :facepalm:

Give it rest.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:57 am

Several titles that I'm not allowed to talk out of office - you know in this business we have something called 'confidentiality agreements' - so yes I won;t tell anything, soz bro, be envious and live in disbelief :)
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:45 pm

Correct - but no company is forcing gamers to buy their titles, and please remember the fact that PC gamers get the most support after launch of a title - this is also why PC is being treated as a second category platform - at least on the release date...
1 thing to add - a project as FO : NV needs at least 14-20 veteran testers for about 9 months for functionality testing per platform... Add 1 coordinator per each platform, 1 lead tester, and compliance teams, and 3-4 junior testers per 1 veteran tester to do the monkey test cases like - check every mountain/wall for clipping issues/colission detection... + additional localisation teams for each language...
Not to mention more complicated bugs, that need like 40 steps to reproduce in such a project - imagine that it is possible in such a game, that if you select let's say 8 perception during the initial statistics selection, this may lead to a crash while you are on lvl 26 and you will kill a bark scorpion or talk to a NPC in Primm - now be so persistent to ascertain that this bug is related to the fact that you chose 8 perception... This game is so complicated, and there are so many variables included in the code that, really chapeau bas for all the development team, and same respect for the testers.
Please also note that when the time is limited, the developers decide to fix Crashes, then block issues that prevent a player from proceeding the game, and then major bugs - like models displayed incorrectly, design feedback and minor bugs are usually not fixed at the end of a project, since there is much more work to be done when it comes to stability of the game
This is helluva work to be done, and trust me, testers don't have so much time to test everything.
Just the raw number of NPCs/spawn points, text strings, colission detection etc...
This game is so huge that it IS not possible to launch it on PC without any bugs - if it was to be done, then Bethesda would run out of money,since the project would need to be tested at least for 36 months, with testers consecutively working with programmers, so just count the testing costs, add to it programmer's cost... (I'm not even counting the artists' costs or the voice actors or even the costs of licensing a havoc engine)
I'm not even mentioning the costs of running a company, publishing the title, or anything else.
I believe that the PC version is decent - only minor issues remain, and during my 48 hours of play I experienced only some random crashes to desktop due to overclocking of my GF 9600 - when I restored the default clock values, the game runs perfectly,with no crashes, and I'm very pleased with 40-50 fps ondetail set to high
Still loads of issues remain - texture seams, colission detection, invisible walls, buuggy AI, NPC cloning and clipping issues...
Believe me, the developers are working hard now, and instead of cussing at them we should report as many issues as possible, to support them, still most of us paid for the game, and patches will be released, so stop barking on the crap and just start reporting bugs - shame there is no bug report system available for general use :/

Still love the game :fallout:

I know all about testing, I was QA for 2 years myself. The size of the project and complexity of test cases doesn't excuse a release in the state it was in. Hell i would feel so guilty signing off that the game was in a Gold state i'd have probably quit.

I can understand a lot of the quest and scripting bugs that made it through. What i don't understand is the horrible technical problems in the PC version that shouldn't have made it past the first round of testing on the most popular configurations. The only explanation I can see there is their QA lab is still using XP 32-bit and 3 generation old video cards. Also the issues with the installation of the retail box and Steam Cloud also seemed like no one even tested that at all.

I know a lot of work goes into these games and a lot of people very work hard. But people work hard in all industries and customers shouldn't be made to tolerate products released in such a state. The high level managers of these companies need to learn that, maybe piracy wouldn't be so bad if people would know that their 60 dollars is going to be spent on a PC game that works out of the box.
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:03 pm

Several titles that I'm not allowed to talk out of office - you know in this business we have something called 'confidentiality agreements' - so yes I won;t tell anything, soz bro, be envious and live in disbelief :)
Just checked. Every game that I own has the testing team listed in the credits. What's confidential about that?
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:13 am

I know all about testing, I was QA for 2 years myself. The size of the project and complexity of test cases doesn't excuse a release in the state it was in. Hell i would feel so guilty signing off that the game was in a Gold state i'd have probably quit.

I can understand a lot of the quest and scripting bugs that made it through. What i don't understand is the horrible technical problems in the PC version that shouldn't have made it past the first round of testing on the most popular configurations. The only explanation I can see there is their QA lab is still using XP 32-bit and 3 generation old video cards. Also the issues with the installation of the retail box and Steam Cloud also seemed like no one even tested that at all.

I know a lot of work goes into these games and a lot of people very work hard. But people work hard in all industries and customers shouldn't be made to tolerate products released in such a state. The high level managers of these companies need to learn that, maybe piracy wouldn't be so bad if people would know that their 60 dollars is going to be spent on a PC game that works out of the box.

Right there Mike - but the standards are now changing - please note that as I said before - the majority of income comes from console titles and this is the main focus...

Last time I worked on a title that was to be released on both X360 and PS3 + PC - we had 2 teams of 10 testers working for 4 months, and in the last 2 weeks of testing 2 people were assigned for testing the title on the PCs - you know and this is due to the publisher who wants to spend as little as possible on the PC version - this is the thing I want you all to understand, if possible, they would release a perfect title, but the funds are limited, and they have to cut some things... Still the company has to earn in some way to pay their staff...

If you dilskie the title, don;t buy it, nobody orders you to do so, you also have loads of forums and press to read before you purchase a product...
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:26 am

@ Zander - it's not my idea - testers are not supposed to talk about the titles they tested for some time after the release, also I wouldn't ever want to make public in what shape are some titles that actually hit the shelves :) trust me, you wouldn't want to know heh. I can tell you one thing - testers try to do their best - but at the end of each project many bugs are sent back to us with the resolution 'Won't fix' or 'No change required'...
It's the developers who choose what stays in the final version and what is fixed...
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:40 am

Right there Mike - but the standards are now changing - please note that as I said before - the majority of income comes from console titles and this is the main focus...

Last time I worked on a title that was to be released on both X360 and PS3 + PC - we had 2 teams of 10 testers working for 4 months, and in the last 2 weeks of testing 2 people were assigned for testing the title on the PCs - you know and this is due to the publisher who wants to spend as little as possible on the PC version - this is the thing I want you all to understand, if possible, they would release a perfect title, but the funds are limited, and they have to cut some things... Still the company has to earn in some way to pay their staff...

If you dilskie the title, don;t buy it, nobody orders you to do so, you also have loads of forums and press to read before you purchase a product...

The problem there is you don't really have a choice until it's too late. The company releases a game on PC that you think you'll enjoy, you are an avid PC gamer who doesn't own a console or want to play on a console, you buy it. Find out it's a horrible mess because the publisher didn't allocate resources to it. A lot of people don't read forums and many mainstream reviewers of high profile titles copy and paste PC reviews from their console versions. Customers shouldn't have to research a product for days just to find out if it'll perform it's basic function before buying it, how crazy would that be for anything else you buy?

In 99% of cases you cannot return it, unless it's a retail box and the store owner is very nice or a friend of yours.

In any other industry but the software industry, that borders on a criminal act. That's why I cannot say anything against anyone on this forum complaining about the game, no matter how much they rave or how little they understand how the industry works.
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SaVino GοΜ
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:18 am

@ Zander - it's not my idea - testers are not supposed to talk about the titles they tested for some time after the release, also I wouldn't ever want to make public in what shape are some titles that actually hit the shelves :) trust me, you wouldn't want to know heh. I can tell you one thing - testers try to do their best - but at the end of each project many bugs are sent back to us with the resolution 'Won't fix' or 'No change required'...
It's the developers who choose what stays in the final version and what is fixed...

All right. I don't want to completely derail the thread. Just to be clear though, all I was asking for is the same information that I would find in the game credits. As I said, the testing teams are always listed there. And yes, I am pretty sure that most games do ship with a plethora of bugs across all platforms.......... :brokencomputer:
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:34 am

Correct - but no company is forcing gamers to buy their titles

How is that even relevant? People buy their games with the sole purpose to be amused by it.
If you'd go to the amusemant park with your wife/girlfriend (assuming you have one) but all the rides are broken down, you'd be pissed off too, right? Despite the fact that no one forced you to visit.
Cause that's how F:NV is like right about now. People bought it but it fails to deliver and the developers are to blame.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:43 am

@ Mike Yep - you're right, and also there are some legal issues, since when you are purchasing a retail box and the moment you open the DVD case you agree to all the statements in the EULA or the End User License Agreement...
Remember Asassins [censored] 2? how ubisoft crippled the game, making one of the requirements a constant internet connection? - Guess what - if you opened the box, you couldn't return it to the shop you bought it from, and that was included in the EULA - I understand you guys furious, but this one isn;t this bad - Remember Gothic 3 - that was real crap on the day of release...
There are 3 ways to deal with this situation - either spamming the publisher with complaints (please not the developers, cause this is not their fault), ostracizing the title and resent or just dealing with it and waiting for patches...
I've chosen the 3rd option.

@ Hyb - the developers are not at fault here... rather the publisher - It's them who pull the strings, trust me...
Imagine the fat bloke that is sitting in the president's chair saying:
WTF? I want my money - the game has to be released on all platforms the same day!
Developer: But yes sir, but we have several issues with the PC version...
Publisher - I don't care the game has to ship before christmas, we need to sell some DLCs and earn moneys, I don't care for the issues! Forget PCs most of the stuff will go pirated, consoles are stable and we won't spend any more money on the PC version, deal with it
Developer: yes but...
Publisher: You want to earn some bread? - If you won't do it we don't need you, we can get the project to another developer, we have all the legal rights to the project and the code you wrote, so be a nice puppy and ship the last stable build to the CD replicators...

This is how it looks like
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sarah taylor
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:28 am

@ Mike Yep - you're right, and also there are some legal issues, since when you are purchasing a retail box and the moment you open the DVD case you agree to all the statements in the EULA or the End User License Agreement...

Depends on where you live. Where I live shrink-wrap ELUA's aren't binding period. Neither are click-through TOS, nor are several other things. It's the same in several place sin the US as well.

Anyway, bad, terrible biased poll is bad, terrible and biased.

About a fair number of problems that I've seen so far are related to some type of hardware or software problem on the users end. The gamebryo engine isn't the best, but it sure isn't the worst. Nor is this the 'worst release in history'. PoR was terrible, actually horrible. And I can think of a dozen other games as well.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:42 pm

Fallout NV is like the ultimate game when it works man, but I have hit a bug where after leaving Vault 3 I cant load anymore saves after it. And thats annoying as hell. I suppose could reload it from before entering vault 3, just I think a warning needs to be made if it is fault 3 that does it.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:53 pm

Depends on where you live. Where I live shrink-wrap ELUA's aren't binding period. Neither are click-through TOS, nor are several other things. It's the same in several place sin the US as well.

Anyway, bad, terrible biased poll is bad, terrible and biased.

About a fair number of problems that I've seen so far are related to some type of hardware or software problem on the users end. The gamebryo engine isn't the best, but it sure isn't the worst. Nor is this the 'worst release in history'. PoR was terrible, actually horrible. And I can think of a dozen other games as well.

It's good if you live in a place that would allow you to return a retail box. But a lot of games are purchased through online digital services, a lot of which have no refund policy, or an extremely limited refund policy at the discretion of the publisher. For sure New Vegas isn't the worst release ever for bugs, but it wasn't good, or even decent by any means, which is sad because a solid version would have been a GOTY shoe-in in my books and it's still contender.

And yes the opening post is a biased raving, but i understand the raging and everyone has the right to say their piece in whatever form they'd like to. I also get a little burned up when someone says that PC gaming is at death's door and consoles are the way to go.

But I'm about done on this subject. :)
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kelly thomson
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:25 am

The problem there is you don't really have a choice until it's too late. The company releases a game on PC that you think you'll enjoy, you are an avid PC gamer who doesn't own a console or want to play on a console, you buy it. Find out it's a horrible mess because the publisher didn't allocate resources to it. A lot of people don't read forums and many mainstream reviewers of high profile titles copy and paste PC reviews from their console versions. Customers shouldn't have to research a product for days just to find out if it'll perform it's basic function before buying it, how crazy would that be for anything else you buy?

In 99% of cases you cannot return it, unless it's a retail box and the store owner is very nice or a friend of yours.

In any other industry but the software industry, that borders on a criminal act. That's why I cannot say anything against anyone on this forum complaining about the game, no matter how much they rave or how little they understand how the industry works.

Well said, sir. They know they can release a steaming pile of crap and call it a game because not a single vendor I know will let you return it once you've opened it.
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Tamara Dost
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