I am like pretty pissed so if I snap at you its not your fault.
This post was written with me in angry mode, so yeah.
I understand obsidian developed nv, and I actually commend them on their work. Great diolauge, cool stuff, no "Oh lol his head asplode" more "Oh cool look at that lore, I love that art direction etc."
I blame bethesda for not giving obsidian time or money to switch engines. In my optinion there is only so much you can do with that engine. Its a bundle of fail. I also blame bethesda for fo3 (as a developer). I liked it, but they dropped it like a hot potato and no longer patch. dlc was crap and they broke win 7 and quad core support for certian situations in a bugfix patch. So I no longer buy games from them as a developer (unless they engine switch, I'm all for TESV in BEAUTIFUL DX11 OR DX12)
Okay, if you all don't know FONV does not work well for high end machines, laptops, or pretty much any computer.
Lots of crash 2 desktops, lots of fail.
I did a test to see how well fallout nv would perform on a top tier pc.
My uncle owns a repair shop and was equally dissapointed in fallout new vegas.
He tells each and every one of his customers who ask for a copy "I no longer stock bethesda titles due to their poor performance on high end machines."
CONGRADULATIONS BETHESDA he no longer stock your games. You didn't lose ONE customer, or TWO, you lost hundreds.
Also nice one on not responding to my tech support question after specifically requesting my dxdiag
Single gtx 480
Dual 480 SLI
Single 6850
Dual 5870
i7 980x stock
16 GB DDR3 Ram
Windows 7 64 bit pro.
RAM DRIVE 12 GB for steam and fallout nv)
4GB ram for os and applications.
Considering its a 32bit exe it can't use more than 2gb I'm safe giving it a 4 gb os ram limit.
Page file put on ram (oh baby) 512mb
*Tried with a 10gig ram bucket and disabled page file on ram, put page file on hdd . No diffrence
No dll fix, retail, latest patch.
1920x1080 4x aa ultra
Measured fps in the fight for goodsprings. Was god mode in the middle of it spinning around
single 480 7.98 fps average
dual 480 6.11 fps average
6850 6.20 average
dual 5870 8.55 fps average
All sub 10 fps all very high end card(s)
High end cpu
Each givent their own 60gig ssd so no driver conflicts.
(same mobo, swapped video cards and hdd to keep it simple)
All directx web setup ran, latest drivers downloaded.
No performance gain with low quality, no gain on hdd or ssd.
I do not see anything I can do besides an unlicednced dll hack to play A GAME I PAID FOR.
If it wasn't for TESIV you'd have lost a customer.
You will not fail me again.
So any of you get it working without a dll hack?
Didn't think so.
Would you buy again?
A lot of you have been voting incorrectly in the poll.
You have to vote No if your using any hacks/fixes to make the game work that wern't supplied by the publisher or developer.
Bethesda is a fail publisher I will not buy from them.
They did not give obsidian enough time or money to use a diffrent engine.
Bethesda is a fail developer I will not buy from them.
They broke windows 7 compatibility in their latest patch, along with quad core support.
The previous patches worked better, and they abandon every game 6-9 months after releace for patches dlc, updates, fixes.
So I am not blaming obsidian. They did the best they could under the stupidity of bethesda. I liked their writting and art direction. It wasn't a gore about "OH LAWL I BLEW A DUDES HEAD OFF OMG" its a "Dear lord what happend here. Oh god, look at that scenery, oh listen to that holotape, oh did she just say that, oh wow this diaolauge is written by someone who is older then 10 for someone who is older then 10 to get all the references out of. Oh cool no generic raiders who hate you for no reason even when your wearing their armor. Oh wow guards think your one of the pack until you get close and don't have 200 meter behind walls and around corners disquise see through kill vision who can aim around walls and shoot through corners.
Obsidia did the best they could with the fail they had.
We should not blame obsidian whatsoever.
They did nothing wrong.