much of the crysis community are a shame..
when crysis comes out everyone liket it they said its an epic game, it is of course. but when crysis 2 comes out most said omg this is game suc*s and blablaba. then crysis 3 comes out and a few said omg its like crysis 2 and its so short it suc*s and blalbalba
its so sad to see that crysis is gonna hatet since crysis 2 from its own community
im sure crytek tried to make everyone happy but it look likes that the most are unfriendly haters who never be happy. the only thing i see when crysis 3 comes out was how bad something is and what they all should fix, never a good game crytek or seomthing, sure much like crysis 2 and 3, but if i look the rates from crysis 1 and 2 ...i cant understand why crysis 2 is so much hatet, its one of the best games everymade, i often hear, the graphics is not so good as crysis 1, they have do do it for consoles they need the money hhaa lol, and the graphics from crysis 2 is very good so dont cry about that. i heard that the levels are so small and simular (hope thats right word) its good how its is, how should they make a open world city? and the levels arent so small how u say..they said its like cod the gameplay and weapons etc so far ...they said the mp was so full of bugs, yes i sew much bugs but i never had any problem with it, the mp was very good and made some fun. crysis 2 is an awesome game, think about it.
Now crysis 3
i like crysis 3, personaly i liked the other crysis games more, but that dont means its not good. it has the best graphics ever, the gameplay is from crysis 2 which is very good, the levels are bigger and the design is veryyyy awesome. yeah the game is very short which is a big - in crysis 3, but no reason to hate the game. the story is good, not epic or perfect but good. the mp is much different as crysis 2, which his levels and weapons and and and...much are saying it have so much bugs? i have no bugs. much are crying becouse the weapons or attachments are to powerfull mimimimi. or that its fail becouse "here x reason" .
No its not, Crysis 2 was epic so epic, and crysis 3 is very good 2.
Stop hating the whole time, and say ty crytek, only time.
Ty for reading
*sorry for my bad english*