I have a few questions so I will list them here. if you can help on one or all great!
1. I am about lvl 30. To my knowledge I have had no attacks on any settlements. Sanctuary and the Castle are my biggest currently the rest of them I have done nothing or just enough to install an arty and establish a supply line to link everyone together. How do you know when you are getting or have been attacked am I missing something or just being left alone?
2. Dont spoil it just answer this question, Not including buffs like 50% more damage to humans. or the rifleman perks etc..I have a .50 cal sniper rifle with 80 damage. Is that about the most I am going to see. Does weapon strength go much higher. This might be a bit of a spoiler but Is there an automatic weapon worth having?
3. What are your suggestions for armor. Right now I am wearing the upgraded Silver Shroud armor since its relatively light with 70/70 for damage and energy resistances.
4. Is the capacity you gain with pocketed armor worth the trade off of having heavier armor? What is your max carry weight?
5. Had to add this one, what is your low carry weight once you have stopped and dropped off all your junk and are about to head out! I am usually between 140 and 190 depending on what weapons I have picked up.