Well if you can't really take a person saying they wouldn't like it that way why start the thread in the first place.
You seem to lash out at the others for not sharing your opinion and get all uppity about their point of view. Ease up, man no one's hanging you for suggesting it.
As for DLC items, unlike enemies you do carry these on your person.
Some people like to have it make sense that where the enemies are coming from, others just want more enemies to spruce up their wasteland. You suggested it as optional, so I guess both side can't complain if it happens.
Also if you have a suggestion for IWS, it's got a thread on this forum. I was initially confused, because it seemed like a discussion thread started by The Castle, but had you as the thread starter. :wacko: :tongue:
My rants are just that, Rants, not aimed at anybody in a thread in particular, just aimed at the ideology behind some of the thoughts.
At my age, I'm supposed to practice complaining and ranting about, the weather, our government, the price of gas,
and how much things used to cost when I was a kid.
But yea, it looks like that's what I'll have to do, as this is just going to turn into a flame thread,
If we're supposed to believe that people in Pittsburgh mutated into Trogs, I don't see why it's unbelievable that those
Trogs could eventually wander into the D.C. area.
I mean, you got there by a railway handcart, and depending on the path you took in the DLC
, well, that's another factor right there
If you can get to wherever the swamp folk were, (never really paid attention, but the boat makes regular trips to and from there)
what's to say the inhabitants didn't make a boat of their own and follow the guy that was running the regular "tour" ship?
He certainly wouldn't care what problems it caused, as he wasn't really an individual that was very 'trustworthy'
Obviously you couldn't have people from the sim in Alaska be anywhere.
The only thing his mod didn't add was Aliens roaming the wasteland, (I think he might have stopped before that DLC came out)
The ship respawns aliens (you'll see that if you use one of the Mothership Zeta Unlockers),
so, who's to say that the aliens couldn't "beam down" and start wandering the wastes?
Afterall, your character can come and go to the ship as they please.