» Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:27 pm
I believe that i said many things that help this topic to go to the right direction, a real rpg game has nothing to do with what elder scrolls is, elder scrolls doesnt even do the slightest bit to be an rpg and this happens maybe because the developers didnt have that in mind, maybe they wanted a game that you will be able to free roaming, like fallout which is nice, but free roaming is another thing, on real rpg you dont have the option to be free, the dm doesnt let you, you always go somewhere and you follow a story no matter how big it is, but sometimes to be really free doesnt help to be focused on a game and really achieve something, on real rpg games it makes you to really develope your character get deeper into magic, etc, because you always have something to do and work it with your mind on how to achieve your goals its about strategy and many other things and not just be everything, which waters down the experience