Saying that a machine that has to be on a specific price point and has fixed hardware "closes the gap" to a machine that can cost any amount of money and can be updated at any time a hardware manufacturer makes a new product is a little silly actually.

The thing is Intel already has a 6-core processor out. Remember that a 4-core Intel i7 processor at 3 ghz is faster than an 8core AMD FX processor at 4 ghz. Imagine how fast the 6-core Intel i7 processor is...
And remind yourselves that there is already a graphics card out there (AMD 290x) that plays the most graphic intensive games like Crysis 3 at max settings at 4k with like 30 to 40 frames per seconds. That is already happening.
Next year Intel will ship their first ever 8core processors,PCs in general will get ddr4,and a new series of graphics cards will bring at least 50% performance increase for each model on each individual price point.
In 2 years by now GDDR6 will become a thing,and graphics cards in the range of 200 - 300 euros / dollars will do 4k.
By the time the consoles will be coming to the end of their lives, in the PC world perhaps there will be people playing at 8k.
Except if... There will be no point on buying monitors anymore because everyone will be playing with an Occulus Rift attached on their heads.
Remind yourselves that Valve is currently patching their games to be VR ready,and that it plans to release a VR accesory its own self in the future. And let's not kid ourselves,Valve IS the platform holder of PC gaming right now either we want it or not...