This is wonderful news

Very interesting. They better not screw it up, but I've loved Telltale's stuff so far so I trust them. Careful optimist.
Well, if The Walking Dead game is a testament to the quality of their writing, I'll have to watch this. Hopefully they do like the Game of Thrones RPG and consult GRRM on the story so it can match the lore of the series.
A Tale of Bear Island featuring Guybrush of House Threepwood?
Hopefully it'll have more success than the existing GoT games.
Wonderful news? I thought they were busy with that wolf game and TWD Season 2, isn't this going to spread their resources thin (which would lead to bad game design)?
If its good I promise to read the books too. I almost bought it when I went for last Holiday.
Love even the idea itself, their Walking Dead game was one of the biggest surprise of the year, so just stick to the plan and make this stuff awesome.
I wonder if it'll be based solely on the books or the show. It'll probably have its own take on the story, but this is important to me anyway. Both, I guess?
It'll probably go The Walking Dead route and have a completely different cast
^ I hope so, the actual book timeframe is too limited. They should make it about the first Blackfyre rebellion or something.
I just hope it's not episodic.... and if so... I'll be waiting for them all to be released.
I actually can't stand games that are released in "episodes" like they're TV shows. Besides money grabbing, is there any other point to it?
I dislike it as well... Though it's a way to continue working on the game, but still able to release it in part so you keep your fans happy. Still, I'd much rather have the entire game.
I actually really like episodic releases for Tell Tale-like "games". It works well with the medium and prevents burnout. Hate it for proper games, though.
IDK about this. Tell Tale's approach works for something like TWD because nothing much happens there, anyway. Game of Thrones is-- should be-- a lot more action-oriented, and action is not what they do. Could be a big failure.
Oh, cool.
Anybody play the first GoT game? It was on the 360 but I didn't like the look of it and never tried it. Was that any good?