» Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:40 pm
jackal svcks in single shot
Mobility enhance is useless , you can't even cover half the distance you could before while running across a map cloaked or uncloaked
Do you know why they nerf mobility? Because this game is all about managing your energy level, speed mode is actually meant for situation like you have to get from point A to point B in the shortest amount of time, not running to the other side of the map, combine with stealth enhance and energy transfer it makes the game into a Call of CloakFest, the only reason I use mobility was the faster ledge grab as I'm an Air Stomper.
It's hard to hit people even MORE now with the scarab from long distances with iron sights/laser sight when it was relatively easy before. Even after how it got nerfed in 1.4
SCARAB is a beast in close to medium range because of its fast fire rate, in close range you have the feline, in medium to long range you have the SCAR. Laser sight is for close quarter combat while it actually is a free point fire enhance module, it has no effect in ADS, you just want to have a laser beam gun so you could pwn with point and shoot method.
Mounted HMG has been severely weakened. Before one or 2 shots at long distance would kill. Now it takes twice or more as many bullets.
Ripped off HMG crouching bonus has been killed
I used to rip off the HMG and getting almost free kills with it, but I rarely did it now because I think it is the most easy gun to use with just normal aim skill, point and shoot and he would be dead in a second, no matter the distance, this feature is meant to makes the game more fun, not for some people to use it as their main weapon.
OH YEAH and they gave us MORE BUGS after this patch. Remember back around launch and 1.2 ish when your melee button would sometimes not work? Well that's back! And now your switch to secondary weapon button doesn't work either at the same time!
And it lags so much MORE than before the patch. Sometimes you'll spawn with a **** up NearFOV and you won't be able to move at all. And everyone will be warping around the map and your death animation doesn't happen.
People also warp like **** crazy now.
But Multiplayer has just gone to hell. They've managed to break a well balanced game.
In my opinion, they did the opposite.
And out of all of this. The marshall seems one of the few that made it out unscathed.(like the scar, Ay69 and mk63)
Personally I prefer the marshall to have much slower fire rate, like the M3 in Counter-Strike.
To the person calling 1 shot shotgun kills for noobs. You only make yourself look like a noob.
It's a strategic choice. It's good for rushing and giving your opponents no time to react in close quarters situations.
It's your fault for not using all of the tools necessary given to you to assure total annihilation of your enemies and for staying on top of your own situations and whereabouts.
Good judgement is no good replacement for stupidity and ignorance.
Don't like someone using a shotgun? use a long distance weapon or mid range weapon and keep to farther away areas so they dont' get close to you and constantly scan with your eyes and nano vision and stay cloaked when possible. Or use a shotgun back and show them up +1 , kick their ass. Or you can just use your precious scar and basically 1 shot them from a distance since it's one of the only weapons to remain well balanced that can kill from a distance very quickly.
I've played this game since the first day and I unlocked the marshall when people are learning how to use the SCAR, I played with it for around 1000 kills and stopped using it ever since, because I felt so cheap using a one hit kill close range weapon together with my cloak, marshall has high mobility, it means I can run faster with it, so can you tell me running cloaked and pop up in the face of somebody and give him a wtf and frustrated moment be considered something fair? Sorry dude but I like to kill people in a way that they will respect me, that's why I want the marshall to have the fire rate as the speed of a slug, because it is powerful, and powerful shouldn't goes with fast speed.
I'm currently ranked around 2-30 in kills (exclude all the hackers) so I think that I've experienced almost all the cheap methods of play, including the you-run-and-shoot-nonstop combo with the FELINE, SCARAB and shotguns, etc. and getting a load of kills with it, my k/d rate was 3.x and I even use a controller to play on PC, but then I stopped and thought :"people will just call me noob with this", so I decided to change to something hard to use like the gauss or kvolt, I've got around more than 500 air stomp kills in every maps and modes, no stomp camping, I used the gauss together with Air Stomp + visor enhance + weapon pro running around snapping (or quickscoping) and usually get around 20 kills~ in TIA, for me cloak is a tactical choice when I reload or need to get behind someone, run from cover to cover, etc., not to hide from people because I'm not afraid of gettind killed. When ppl get pwned by me, they showed their respect and told me that I'm good and actually enjoy playing with me even though they are getting pwned.
And dear sir, I just need the majestic to pwn people with shotguns, it is a ohk weapon to cloaked players and it does take skill to aim, I'm not afraid of them, I just expressed my opinion as an ex-user of those styles that makes this game into a 2nd COD, this is a game I play with people and my friends, not a tool for me to have a fake feeling "I'm the boss of all thing, I'm pwn you all, hahahaha die you little s*** " which really has no meaning to me at all.