» Sat May 28, 2011 12:10 pm
Ah, so if I use elseif for a different condition instead of else it wont work? Well, heres my script if you see problems: I hate that you cant use tab though.
scn LoreKeeningSCRIPT
Begin OnEquip
if (LoreWraithguardQuest.HasBeenEquipped == 0)
cast LoreKeeningSunderWound Player
if (LoreWraithguardQuest.HasBeenEquipped == 1)
Player.AddSpell LoreKeeningsAura ;The enchanting protection keening gives from Morrowind.
;Block below ensures removal of aura
Begin OnUnEquip
Player.RemoveSpell LoreKeeningsAura
Any problems with this script? Also, they are a new models and textures, made as a MR. And I have known this for a while that you may not use other models unless they are made from scratch. I have made about 6 mods already, with 3 in progress. But thanks for the warning incase I hadn't.