Leet are something like 12 quid a month for fully unbranded server with access to all files. GameHosting is 15 quid for a unbranded server and doesn't give you as much access.[/quote]
Well they have an offer now 20% off... so i only paid 13quid and you can ban if you want now, not hard at all.
Maybe they dont give u ALL the files that leet do, but it is enough to keep cheaters out and keep the players happy!

OK let me give you a scenario, some noob comes on your server and starts getting owned and starts votekicking everybody but keeps there mouth shut instead of shouting in the console like they usually do. How would you find out who kicked who when you have 15 people saying it wasn't them who called out the vote kick?
There is no way you could resolve that issue with a gamehosting server and it's a big issue with this game.[/quote]
Process of elimination.
You look at their K/D their playing-style, their ping... eg. eg.
Their choice of weapon, are they copying those who are getting really good K/Ds?
Otherwise type a command in the console ( only for admin users ) to see whos kicked who ( well that would be the easy option haha )!!
As far as im aware this command is available.
PS. Going to bed Now
/edit: Looks at time, HOLY ----!! 2:41am (GMT+1, UK ) and got school tomorrow LOL. Fail

If you post back will post reply when i wake up... Thats if i can wake up lol!