Just wanted to say how fun the Jamaica Plain mission was! I loved it. I can imagine some people being a bit pissed off with it, but I thought it was great!
In the true spirit of Fallout.
Just wanted to say how fun the Jamaica Plain mission was! I loved it. I can imagine some people being a bit pissed off with it, but I thought it was great!
In the true spirit of Fallout.
Yeah it was great.
I liked that one along with Super Duper Mart and Museum of Witchcraft. Both of these had a very tense feeling.
I loved the Jamaica Plains missions, Cait didn't approve of its ending though!
Surely I'm not the only one that disarmed all those traps? Some precious resources there!
Jamaica Plain... a place my dog got me killed 3 times...
I was halfway through the tripwires when Curie went "Oh! I know where you're wanting to go! Let me show you the way, my little paté of a silly gooses' liver!"
The quest was entertaining, but poorly written because it includes our of character knowledge in the holotape.
who gives you this mission? I was going to just go there and get the resources, I didn't know there was a mission involved... I really haven't gone that far south yet. I'm trying to find all locations to the north before heading south. I'm at almost 50 hours in, at level 33, and I've only completed like 2 story missions so far.
It's a random miscellaneous quest I think. Not sure where I picked it up from.
BTW I'm 80hrs in at level 37 and haven't even been to Diamond City yet so haven't even really started the main campaign!
No I don't think so. I had the quest in my logs way before I'd ever ventured that far south.
Lol I made a quick save right before the trap and try to disarm it and then the dog run straight into the trap and kill me. also it's more than once the dog like to run in front of me when I stop and try to defuse a trap.
Preston found it hilarious...hahahah. it was a really fun place.
I might have missed something important, but I thought it was just ok. Like, a bit better than those infinitely repeating quests. I heard about the place from a guard and listened to all the holotapes I found when I got there. My favorite so far was the polymer labs one. The reward is also one of the best I've ever gotten.
I stumbled across it whilst randomly exploring, interesting little side quest. As for the Museum of Witchcraft - will head back when I've levelled up a little more! Very atmospheric though (a little scary as well)! Overall I've been really impressed with alot of the locations I've come across.
You can find out about the tourist trap locations from an informational terminal in the Boston Airport, though I think I found the Jamaica Plains brochure in a random magazine rack somewhere north.