Can someone please make Jangles The Moon Monkey from fallout 4, in real life.
Can someone please make Jangles The Moon Monkey from fallout 4, in real life.
Do you mean as a real toy or an actual living creature?
I'm down!
They're big!
If I make one my dog will definitely try to tear it to pieces...
I know right!
Would that not be amazing......(BETHESDA)
I have the child size space suit and the helmet, but am wondering if you want me to skin a chimp or just baboon?
Exact replica.
Like if you were to grab it out of your t.v.
There is a company that will do custom stuff animals. They made a dragon for my daughter based on the drawing she made! It will cost you a few hundreds dollars.
I`ve thought of that but there`s one problem. Bethesda copy writed fallout 4, which means they basically own everything in the game also. The company would get sued for making something like that.
Well if you ever managed to pull Jangles out from the gaming world & into this one, I'd be interested to see the outcome. Do post a piccy for us Fallout fans pls. I'm surprised Bethesda doesn't sell more gimmicks from its games on the Bethesda store. I wanted that vault boy key ring head or glowing quantum key chain. Might help me out the next time my keys go awry.
I think I'll cosplay as Jangles at the next convention.
You could change his name to Jingles and change the color of his shoes or something and you should be fine. Really, as long s you're not making money or tons of publicity off the thing you'll be fine. I guess getting a commercial maker to make the thing might be problematic since you'd be paying them.
There was the FO4 modder the MLB went after for modding in official Red Sox uniforms. He wasn't even selling anything...
Your solution: Either you have to make it yourself or some intrepid hobbyist or artist will have to make it out of the kindness of their hearts. As an artist myself I can tell you we do not work for free. though, unless you know someone who owes you a favor maybe! Lol! Lawyers and such....
Or you could just ask Beth & ZoS for permission to make them and give them a cut of any profits.
That would be cool! but I could see you steaming up inside that helmet. Maybe not include the plastic face plate Don't forget to post a pic, I love to see the effort some people go to for fallout cosplay.
I don`t know of a reliable way to get noticed by bethesda, and if I did I would just ask them to do it. I`m sure that they`d love new ideas to make money.