Japanese Geta Sandals
Version: 1.0
Requires: Morrowind, Better Bodies v2.2 and Liztail's Fixed BB Mesh Animation for these sandals to work.
Mod Installation:
Extract this mod to your Data Files folder. Extract the meshes, textures and icons to their respective folders.
These sandals are bipped to the corresponding body parts:
Geta Sandals: Left and Right Foot used as either shoes (clothing tab) or boots (armor tab).
Note: I strongly urge you to take a look at the sandals in Nifskope to see what everything looks like before setting it up
in the CS.
Mod Description:
This is a modder's resource for the male Japanese Geta Sandals. No esp file included. If you have any issues with this
modder's resource, you can contact me at silver_fox_rival@hotmail.com or at the officials by PM.
Modder's Permissions
You can include your very own normal maps, glow maps, etc.
You are not in any way to alter the meshes by removing any vertices or adding to the existing mesh.
If you'd like to add or delete anything from my meshes, ask before doing so. I am pretty reasonable and I am sure we can
come to some agreement.
Mod Thank you's
To EsoptrosOer for coming thru on getting LizTail's Fixed BB Mesh Animation Mod so that I could finish the tutorial to
making custom weighted armor.
To Bahamut for making his wonderful tutorial on creating custom armor
To LizTail for fixing the BB Mesh's Animation so that we can play with the Better Bodies meshes that look like they don't
have arthritis or something lol
To Bethseda for creating this wonderful game and allowing us to be able to let our imaginations run wild creating mods
Japanese Geta Sandals
Version: 1.0
Requires: Morrowind, Better Bodies v2.2 and Liztail's Fixed BB Mesh Animation for these sandals to work.
Mod Installation:
Extract this mod to your Data Files folder. Extract the meshes, textures and icons to their respective folders.
These sandals are bipped to the corresponding body parts:
Geta Sandals: Left and Right Foot used as either shoes (clothing tab) or boots (armor tab).
Note: I strongly urge you to take a look at the sandals in Nifskope to see what everything looks like before setting it up
in the CS.
Mod Description:
This is a modder's resource for the male Japanese Geta Sandals. No esp file included. If you have any issues with this
modder's resource, you can contact me at silver_fox_rival@hotmail.com or at the officials by PM.
Modder's Permissions
You can include your very own normal maps, glow maps, etc.
You are not in any way to alter the meshes by removing any vertices or adding to the existing mesh.
If you'd like to add or delete anything from my meshes, ask before doing so. I am pretty reasonable and I am sure we can
come to some agreement.
Mod Thank you's
To EsoptrosOer for coming thru on getting LizTail's Fixed BB Mesh Animation Mod so that I could finish the tutorial to
making custom weighted armor.
To Bahamut for making his wonderful tutorial on creating custom armor
To LizTail for fixing the BB Mesh's Animation so that we can play with the Better Bodies meshes that look like they don't
have arthritis or something lol
To Bethseda for creating this wonderful game and allowing us to be able to let our imaginations run wild creating mods