Data structures framework for Skyrim
Motivation and Overview
Papyrus is an overly simplified language, a language without convenient data structures. In some cases stock functionality in enough. In other cases in a result of this simpleness you may get a script containing more data (texts, numbers) than a code. In cases like these, JContainers makes things much easier by giving you basic data structures.
JContainers (JSON Containers or just JC) is intended to store data in a structured, convenient way. For that purpose JC implements basic data structures: arrays and associative containers (dictionaries). All data persists in a SKSE co-save file.
JContainers features:
- Data structures.
- Import and export data to and from JSON files. https://github.com/SilverIce/JContainers/blob/master/JContainers/test_data/json_loading_test/jdb.json
- https://github.com/SilverIce/JContainers/blob/master/JC.md#path-resolving - simplifies access to nested data
- https://github.com/SilverIce/JContainers/blob/master/JC.md#lua (in progress) - The main purpose is to minimize the amount of cumbersome Papyrus code needed to handle data by moving it into Lua scripts. https://github.com/SilverIce/JContainers/releases/tag/v3.2-alpha.1
- C++ API - interaction with JC via C++ interface. This mean you can invoke C++ anologue of any Papyrus function JC provides.
Special thanks
to Saerileth and Gooser, without your interest that project would be abandoned on early stages
to Skwerlman and Alex Dunn for documentation improvements
Verteiron - his Familiar Faces mod makes my framework much more noticeable on nexus
thanks to RealAntithesis for interesting ideas
Third party libraries used
skse library - it would be impossible to imagine Skyrim modding without it
boost framework - real treasure for any C++ programmer
jansson - nice json parsing library
LuaJit - Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
-You (as mod author) may bundle this plugin.
- It's up to you to report to the user of incompatibility of installed JC API version and the version mod has been compiled for the best user's experience. Valid condition is `JC.APIVersion() == hardcodedAPIVersion && JC.featureVersion() >= hardcodedFeatureVersion`.
- The files in this plugin are not to be modified under any circumstance as that could cause problems when a load order includes multiple mods that use the plugin and one or more mods have modified the files in this plugin.