Ghouls are also mutants. He was telling us how he became a ghoul. He just used the word Mutant insted of ghoul. Harold lives/runs a town full of ghouls that look just like him in Fallout 2. He calls people "smooth skin" just like ghouls do, so for all intensive purposes Harold was a ghoul until Bethesda came along.
To be fair the devs of Interplay and Black Isle were thinking of changing how ghouls were created. But Bethesda were the ones that just called him a "Special FEV Mutant."
They should have just left him out of Fallout 3. They ruined Harold. I don't care if they called him a "Special FEV Mutant" but to make him a tree in the ground makes no damn sense. What did he fall into the Mariposa FEV vat with a tree strapped to his head and he bonded to it? It is just stupid what they did to him. Bob was just a tree that started growing after a seed landed in his head. It shouldn't have ended up the way it did.
Just to be clear I don't care that he is no longer considered a ghoul. I don't like that he was turned into a mutant tree stuck in DC.
No, he isnt, he is talking about being turned into an FEV mutant. How did Harold change into a ghoul when he was never exposed to radiation? It takes massive amounts of radiation to change someone into a ghoul and there is absolutely none in Mariposa (there is not a single place you need rad-away inside, nor does the geiger counter ever jump inside the base). Harold was never a ghoul. The mutants came from Mariposa like he talks about, and he was changing after he visited Mariposa, not after radiation exposure. He tells you himself "I'm a mutant" and it's not like the people of the hub don't know what a ghoul is and just started using the term mutant. People know what ghouls are and Harold's memory is still very sharp in Fallout 1, there is no reason to believe he is confused about his own origin.
He also does not look just like every other ghoul in Gecko. Harold is the ONLY
green "ghoul" in the entirety of the series, when all other ghouls are flesh colored (sans Fallout 3's glowing ones, in 2 glowing ones were a pinkish white). Just because he hangs out with ghouls doesn't mean he is one. why wasnt he at the Necropolis in the first one then? Maybe in Gecko he saw a similar people and decided to try and help them. The way he talks and who he hangs out with is not a very good indication of of what he is. Chris Haverson says "smoothskin" and hangs around ghouls as well; does that make him a ghoul? In Fallout one Harold's origin and dialogue revolves almost exclusively around Mariposa and Richard Grey (aka the master), the two origins of the Super mutants, so for all intents and purposes he was always envisioned as an FEV mutant.
Radiation turns people to ghouls, FEV turns people to mutants. He was an FEV mutant changed by the fumes coming from the vats of Mariposa, not a ghoul changed by radiation. When specifically talking about changing he says "it was something in that base that changed me." There is no radiation in the base.
Him and richard grey were in the exact same part of Mariposa. How is it the Master can be a mutant, but harold is a ghoul? Richard grey was thrown directly into a vat and harold was knocked unconscious in the exact same room exposed to the airborn chemicals. Richard grey was turned into a disgusting blob of flesh and harold started growing increasingly disfigured. There is not a single bit of radiation in Mariposa, but enough FEV to make a blue whale super mutant.
Also, how do you know that the tree didnt start to mutate as it grew from harolds head? the only nutrients it could get would be filled with FEV. Who is to say what happens to a plant that is constantly being treated with FEV? In one of his ending it even talks about how strong the tree had gotten and how it's seeds can grow in even the most desolate wasteland. We know that radiation does almost nothing to plants, but we also know that FEV makes things highly resilient and strong.
You are trying to lay something at bethesda's feet that they didn't even do. They didnt turn Harold into an FEV mutant, just a tree. The only thing Bethesda did that really killed suspension of disbelief is the fact he is in the Capitol Wasteland.
Harold was never a ghoul; he was an FEV mutant just like Richard; though not like Richard
. Also here is a quote from Tim Cain on Harold
"As for contact [with FEV], any contact at all will infect the subject, but the amount of contact determines the result. For example, I imagine Harold had some contact with the virus, but he was not fully immersed in it, so he became a different mutant than the Master's subjects. Full immersion, of course, is the preferred method of infection, as it provides the virus a large surface area for infection."
If you want to call him an "FEV ghoul" that's fine, but he never had radiation induced ghoulism, and therefore is not a "traditional" ghoul.