In Skyrim there could be Glacier Racers (i stole that name from someone I forget who). They could fly really high up and when you go underneath them they shoot downwards like a hawk or an eagle. They would be a stealthy species too so they would not squak and screach. Bethesda would do this just to clean the name of the Cliff Racer.
They could possibly be a sub-species of Cliff Racer that inhabits Skyrim which could look more bat-like, with thick icy fur and small horns or antlers for that nordic feel.
They could also have an ability to walk on land like
Sorry if this post has drifted from the topic of St. Jiub, but i'm nearly falling asleep at the moment...
edit: Ignore the bit about walking, I just realised that cliff racers don't even have legs :facepalm: