» Tue May 17, 2011 10:03 am
I am sure that wherever the Cliff Racers went, they have adapted nicely and evolved into an even more annoying form.
Like a three-headed Cliff Racer that has Resist Fire 100%, Resist Frost 100%, Resist Shock 100%, Resist Disease 100%, Resist Normal Weapons 100%, Resist Magic Weapons 100%, Resist Magic 100%, and Resist Poison 100%.
And I am sure that they will head on back to Tamriel, and learn to walk on the ground as well, and mimic the voices of Male Bosmers, and kill off every other form of life, and eat all of the food, and turn into the next crisis that threatens the land.
What have you done, Saint Jiub? Why, Akatosh, why?