So sad, alot of people with degrees and masters for school, and thier job is flipping burgers. So why did we go to school in the first place? :shakehead:
I've been wondering that as well. My girlfriend has no college education, but yet makes more than i ever did because of her commitment to her company. She's been able to slowly climb the ladder and now she's a manager.
I was a journalism major (not like that is a big money maker), worked in the industry for around 8 years, then got laid off. Now it seems that all my job experience is irrelevant to most other industries.
Honestly I feel if I stuck w/ retail / service industry / or trade specialization instead of going to school, I would be in a better position now, money wise. And my job experience would be more relevant to different industries.
I do not regret going to college, but after all of the time and money that was put into going to college, I don't believe I got a good return on my investment. Anybody want to start a class action suit for false advertising? JK :confused:
Ha ha a career in journalism, what was I thinking. Great times while is lasted though.

How many majors available at a college are really useful in the job market? Arts, english, liberal arts, philosophy, etc. How useful are any of these degree outside of the academic bubble? Sadly I think very few. But college have no problems telling you that going to their school will land you a job.
Oh well at least I got some really expensive books and a piece of paper that says B.A. degree in fancy lettering out of the whole deal. :biggrin:
Unfortunately, the conclusion I've come to is: don't follow your dreams, follow the money and look for the most stable industry to get a degree in. Your just really lucky if your dreams coincide w/ a stable money making industry. Wow, that sounds depressing.