i've been searching for a job for about 4-5 years now and until a month ago i haven't received a single returned call. at first i was really psyched because it was from a company i really wanted to work for, because they give their employees free cable tv and internet, unfortunately after the call was over i suppose despair would be the most accurate description as they only called to confirm my lacking work history,
recently i've been thinking about how companies call their selves "equal opportunity employers", equal opportunity itself sounds nice because it implies that there is an equal chance for everyone who applies to be offered a job, but it's only meaning is equal opportunity based on race and beliefs, so it seems to just a catch phrase to make the company sound nice.
i'd like to ask a specific question of this community, for those of you who didn't have a friend or relative's help to get you your first job, how did you manage to get your foot inside the "locked door" of work experience that employers cherish more than anything else.
Oh my ...
I suppose I would say I am in the same case you are in.
In summary, I have done as you have, and recieved next to no calls back. Actually, the only time I have was for city library -- which was awesome -- but they never hired me, even after an interview and reference check,

I am 19, and for my whole life I have never independently got a job in the normal sense (grocery store, libray). The jobs I were able to get by myself were internet job posting site ones, spefically advertising (handing out flyers).
That's it. Luckily, I was able to get a job walking my neighbours dogs when I was 12 (did that until 18 about), and that my dad was able to hire me part time and full time on occassions.
My advice is: if you want to get a job, you can.
For an absolute fact I know many people that have gotten jobs at grocery stores, libraries, and so on, with absolutely no experience.
Want to know the secret (aside from having links [i.e. family and friends])? Timing. Just have to apply at the right time.
With that said, if you apply every day at the same establishments you want in, they will either see your iniative and let you in, or it will just be the correct time.
Also, for lack of experience, you can volunteer.
Seriously, there's jobs everywhere, you just have to find them (assuming you live in a city).