“Okay Mr.Obrum Gro-Brok, lets take a look at your application…Hmm, you say here that your pre-destined to save the word; that’s certainly a plus…Ummmmm. Okay down here it says you also worked as an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood and… Well let’s stop right there for a sec. How to do feel your experience as an assassin would help you to be a good fit here at Mutton World?”
"Um....I'm good at cutting flesh....and......I can sneak up on sheep and kill them without the other sheep suspecting anything.....and cook them with a fire spell??"
Back on point, I think some jobs would be fun to have and I would love to own trade stores and be able to stock them with loot I gain and have npc minions sell it off for me for profit. Also would like to be able to name any stores I bought such as "Israfel's only slightly bloodied used armor".
Would also be kool if there was a blacksmiths guild that could lead to me being a recognized master smith with apprentices working in my smith shop making me weapons and repairing my gear for me...for practice and all...