AD-Hoc? I see nothing hasty about the defenses there, they have artilery positions set-up, forcefields established; regardless, we see Hellfire Armour, before the attack on AAFB. I hardly think that AAFB had the manufacturing abilities (which we did indeed discus yesterday) to produce power armour, yet we do know one place that did. What I am saying is that the people at AAFB and the field camps were completely exempt from the rebellion because they had no idea of it; therefore we cannot say who's side of the conflict they are on.
Thats true, but seeing as how they appeared to not have took part in the battle at the purifier, I'm going with the default idea that they stuck by the President.
But its likely that they really didn't know what was going on.
I can hardly believe that the majority of Autumn supporters just happened to consist of all of the military and scientific personnel in what just so happened to be the area which the LW had to go through. I never suggested that they were the entire population, that would be a tad ridiculous; what I mean is any Autumn supporters will have been in other areas surely, and when people are rushing around at the sound of gunfire how does Eden differentiate, didn't you argue that he needed the LW because he felt that he could no longer trust the men, lest they be supporters of Autumn?
Eden only mows down the Autumnist forces in one area (the entrance area) the other deaths were caused along the way by the lone wanderer (so no blame on Eden for that). My theory is, is that Eden shuts down that door to prevent people just accidently walking in and getting caught in the cross-fire. Its my view that, while Autumnist forces must have been in other places, Eden only "clears the way" for the LW in one area, which is also where Autumn was taking off with his forces on Vertibirds (which helps to explain the high concentration of Autumnist forces in the area). While I suppose its true that he cannot 100% confirm that he is shooting at rebel troopers, I believe that since he is using sentry bots and laser turrets, and since its the policy of "step out of the way and let the LW pass" there was a greatly diminshed possiblity that innocent loyalists were killed. He wasn't just blasting away at random Enclave, he was blasting away at those who were attacking/opposing the passage of the LW (and therefore disobeying his orders).
I did argue the point about him not being able to trust all of them, but that's just a theory as to why he may have chosen to use the LW. I believe that most of the reasons for his choice are the capability of the LW and the fact that nothing would have changed even if the LW betrayed him.
The Enclave won't exist if it goes extinct, again, in three decades a Colonel could say a single word and a multitude of military and civilian personnel supported him; Eden did something to make them support Autumn, in-case you missed my last post, let's not forget his treatment of a certain Lieutenant, who was simply doing his job, who was then 'reassigned' by the President, which I am not suggesting means murder, but rather, being posted to a more dangerous position, as punishment for being so dilligent in the course of duty. Eden was mad with power and alienated all of the Enclave in his attempts to see that it was he who brought about America.
We don't really know what happened to Lt. Williams, and there's no reason to suggest that he was "reassigned" to the front lines or anything like that, he may have gotten a slap on the wrist and nothing more.

He broke protocol and contacted the President directly (surely just asking a superior officer or the like would have been sufficient).
I also don't believe that Eden would have necessarily had to "do something" wrong to make those soldiers turn against him. They were a minority of Enclave forces and its possible that Autumn kept a loyal group of "yes men" to do anything he said. It also would be natural for some men to look to Autumn (as their commander) and obey his every word (despite the craziness of his plan).
Apparently, there is also
alot of loyalty to Eden. I don't know about you, but I never heard "
For the Colonel!" as an Enclave battlecry, it was always "
For the President!".