Actually it doesn't the door explodes coupled with an Enclave trooper falling to the ground dead if I remember correctly. There is blame on Eden, again, if Eden was a good leader then they wouldn't have betrayed him; I refuse to believe that it was a minority of people, everyone in the Mess Hall, Cells, Tech and Bio Labs, Quarters, Storage and all of the corridors in between just happened to be Autumnists? Are you honestly saying that on that one day, all of the duty rosters happened to line up so that everyone who happened to be in the LW's way was a triaitorous Autumnist? Even those off-duty and grabbing something to eat? It's madness.
While its true that they may not have been a
small minority I still firmly believe that they were indeed in the minority. In all the areas you mentioned, there are eight-beds in sight, what that then tells me is that we have not yet seen a vast portion of Raven Rock (Raven Rock in real life has the capacity to hold nearly 3,000 with little problem). Its possible that simply the area that the LW was housed in was filled with a high concentration of Autumnist supporters, this is after all where Autumn has his own quarters (and before you say anything about Eden being in the same area as well

, Eden can't exactly move, and its likely that Autumn wanted as many men loyal to him as possible around him with Eden close).
Its also a possiblity that those loyal to Eden simply stayed out of the way, they steared clear of the fighting.
So some men are apparently fanatical to the President whom controls everything (btw, some of them who shout for the President are those in the room immediately outside of Autumn's in the Jefferson Memorial) and yet Autumn has a hypontic affect on people which just turns them into "yes-men", how do these "yes-men" come about? Through people seeing through Eden's [censored]; besides if the President can see everything through the camera's on the walls then he would know who to shoot, invalidating your earlier point. You also think that some would be more loyal to their Colonel than to their Commander in Chief, "Men disobey the President!" "Well, Autumn is in charge after all, Viva La Revolucion!"
This of course, all becomes very confusing when we consider the fact that Autumn still believes he is being loyal to Eden, and many of his men may feel the same way. For whatever reason, Autumn feels that by countermanding Eden, he is in fact serving Eden loyally (perhaps he feels that even though he disobyed him, he is doing the right thing for the President in the long run).
Also in regards to the wall camera's, perhaps he
was using that to tell which men to shoot?
You cannot deny though, that Eden is not wrong is his feelings about the craziness of Autumn's "lets hug the wastelanders" plan.
I see no reason to believe that there were a minority of Enclave forces. Eden abused some loophole and reigned for thirty years, that is undefensable; like the legitimacy of the Enclave, yeah, it could technically be legal but that doesn't mean that it is justifyable.
I think it was justifyable considering that there wasn't really anyone fit to take over the presidency from Eden, there was not a single non-miliitary personel or official that I could see. Eden is trying to work with a shattered, nay an obliterated, United States government. Congress has been killed and with it the entire legislative branch wiped out, the judicial branch also gone, and the executive branch is effectively reduced to the office of the President. I see nothing short of a quasi-dictatorship via emergency powers as being able to keep the United States government alive.
True. But the means and implementation suggest he is. Spoiling just the Potomac (is the river name correct) and the setting being merely a plot around it....
I would argue against that considering that the end slides of Fallout 3 suggest a total Enclave victory.