Clearly you are taking this at face value, you don't think that something that obvious was already apparent? What I mean is that his radio broadcasts to the people were pointless and did nothing other than betray the Enclave's presence in the region, Eden intended to kill them all and the Enclave did not in anyway use anyone whom actually believed the lies so what was the point? To comfort Eden, nothing more.
Now now lets not be so hasty.

Eden's broadcasts didn't alert anybody, the Brotherhood was shocked when the Enclave burst in on the purifier, nobody expected them and their position was not compromised.
He backed down and lied to Autumn, telling him that he wouldn't administer the virus into the water in the purifierer, even though he intended to administer the virus to it anywayb so he resulted in the full-scale deployment of Enclave forces and exposed them, which would later end in their destruction, just because he didn't tell Autumn that he going to administer the virus into the purifier. Now if Andronicus was here he would, more than likely, defend Eden's deception by saying that if Eden hadn't backed down then Autumn would have just rebelled against him then and there; to which I respond that only Eden's poor leadership could have been the result of such animosity, enough to turn the whole Enclave against him and then cause him to clutch at the final straws which was enlisting the Lone Wanderers help.
However, you can hardly blame the actions of Autumn on Eden's leadership abilities. Its clear that Autumn was a hard-line, my way or the highway kind of guy, which is why he rebelled. Eden frankly, saw Autumn's idea of bringing the wastelanders under Enclave protection as being a disastrous plan (and come on was he wrong in that?). Autumn however, refused to compromise and believed in his ludicrous idea so much that he rebelled against Eden, what could Eden have done to stop him? Had Autumn won, it would have effectively meant the end of the Enclave.
The plan wasn't his, but rather 100 years old plan of many administrations ago, he reigned unopposed like a dictator (pressumably exploiting some law) for three decades and destroyed any trust that the citizens had in him which resulted in him gunning his own people down in the vauge hope that the Lone Wanderer was in-fact swayed by his arguement and would do his bidding; so in short, he did nothing, the virus wasn't his, the plan wasn't his, he risked the Enclave, he destroyed the very traditions of what could be the only pre-war government still remaining and in the end gunned his own men down over his own selfish desire to see the D.C. area purified, even if it meant that afterwards all of the Enclave were dead and it was all for nothing.
I wouldn't say it was all for nothing, Eden's plan is the only way the Enclave wins in Fallout 3, and the end slides suggest that they win quite handily ("the longer the purifer runs, the cleaner the world becomes"). Eden was going directly off of President Richarson's plans (and you wouldn't argue that Richardson was wrong would you?) I've argued why Eden wanted to use the Lone Wanderer in his plans and I think they were fairly good explanations.
I would also argue against using the word "exploitation" when referring to the use of Presidential emergency powers as that's a dangerous road to take, it neither destroyed pre-war traditions, nor did it compromise the Enclave's legitimacy.
Eden and Autumn are a pair of bumbling, useless jackasses that deserve to be shutdown and hanged respectively.
I can agree on Autumn.
I strongly and fervently disgree with your view on Eden. I'm proud to call him an Enclave President.
Also on topic: John Henry Eden all the way. But they're both good, and one of the reasons I like House is because he reminds me of Eden.