Psymon, how do you find those treasures?

I always liked the Wood Bows and Leather Armors mod, but I did not include it in my game because it was an early beta (at least they say so), but if I can find them in leveled lists the things are different.
This one is growing up better than the old Armamentarium in my opinion

ive asked myself how he does many times! maybe i should ask him too? :rofl:
Well I love looking up odd little mods and trying stuff out but I hate small mods that choke my load order with one or two things and that is it. Contradictory I know.
Like slof does great small mods but I'd never use them because I want mods that cover a lot of territory. Mod greed I guess.
I actually wanted to do what he is doing but I thought it best to implement shops that came with updates and call it like Tamriel Importers or something - each update a new supply. Mostly though because leveled list logic makes my head hurt. He is doing a great job and the overhaul as it is now is very cool. Leveled lists are best. Shops not so much - my characters never buy anything except open hard lock scrolls and that is it.
So I've been scouting out item and creature mods for him - least I can do considering.
Phitt (though your probably already covered that territory John).
i agree, i hate cluttering items i9n shops, leveled lists are much more interesting. and check your message box on phitt

Alas, one of the seven deadly sins of Tamriel. I'm definitely going to hell for this one.
And, has Trollf's stuff been considered? You know, like his Junkyard collection of weapons? Or Divine Shields? Or Lich Gear?
sure has, i have everything mentioned minus the lich gear, care to link me?
Another missing resource. Refscope log:
----[ 2010-11-25 20:20:40]
Reference FF05559F
Defined in player savegame
Weapon 03004F50
Name: Glass Halberd
Defined in John's Leveled List Overhaul.esm
Missing resources:
im PM'ing you on this, this is quite odd