Current up-to-date Readme:
Version: 0.1
Date: 6/24/2010
Category: Weapons and Armor
Requirements: Shivering Isles Patch, Oblivion Patch, Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM)
Recommended: Wrye Bash
Author(s): Johnn123
Source: TESAlliance/TESNexus
Please note I am no longer taking requests for the add-on, i have more than enough as is! Thx

This mod is an effort to add diversity to oblivion. Ever notice how theres always the same old items over and over? This is my attempt to fix that.
Added in this mod are many resources made by the great modding community of Oblivion. This adds many new weapons including katanas, scimitars, polearms,
bearded axes and more. Orcish and Mithril weapons have also been added in. Many weapons from morrowind as well, such as wakizashi's and tanto's and more
notbly the Daedric crescent are also present in this. The most note worty mod included with this is themythofstrider's wonderful Vvardenfel Imports mod, adding in
piles of armors from Morrowind. You will not find these items in a store, they will appear randomly on enemies, ranging from skeleton to xivalai to bandits to vampires.
Stats are balanced to fit between vanilla oblivion stats and OMOBS stats. Please read the plug-ins explained section to understand what each plugin does.
Plugins Explained
John's Leveled List Overhaul.esm - This is the master file, it is required by all plugins related to this mod. it contains all new items added by my mod.
John's Leveled List Overhaul.esp - Contains world, NPC and cell changes. test cell also contained in this plugin. Required for BSA use.
John's Leveled List Overhaul - Vanilla Armours.esp - This contains the leveled lists for armors for a vanilla oblivion leveling system set-up.
John's Leveled Lsit Overhaul - Vailla Weapons.esp - Contains the leveled lists adding new weapons for a vanilla oblivion leveling system set-up.
John's Leveled List Overhaul for OOO.esp - Contains leveled lists for an OOO/FCOM set-up.
John's Leveled List Overhaul - Cyrodillic Armours.esp - Changes names of vanilla oblivions armors to start with Cyrodillic to so fits witht he Vvardenfel armors
John's Leveled List Overhaul - Bandits in Glass Begone.esp - Removes level scaling from bandits and marauders, meant to be used with vanilla, do not use with OOO/FCOM
Depending on your download location you will either have a BAIN ready archive (downloaded from TESAlliance) or an archive with .esps and 3 archives with meshes and textures (Downloaded from TESNexus).
Manual Install:
1. Extract .esps from archive and copy the desired .esps to oblivion data folder.
2. Then copy the meshes and textures from the remaining archives to the oblivion data folder.
3. Start oblivion launcher and open the data files. Enable the .esps by double clicking them.
4. Play and enjoy.
additional: Do these steps if runnign any mods that touch leveled lists.
5. Run load order through BOSS, hand placing unrecognized .esps in correct area.
6. If using Wrye Bash, rebuild patch.
7. Enable patch and enjoy.
BAIN Install:
1. Drag archive to Bash Installers folder.
2. Start Wrye Bash and click installers tab.
3. When the installers tab is loaded click the archive and select the contents of 00 Core.
4. Next if your running a vanilla set-up install the contents of 01 Vanilla.
5. If your running an OOO or FCOM set-up install the contents of 02 OOO
6. Choose the desired .esps from 03 Additional .esps.
7. Run BOSS on your load order. Next hand place any unrecognized .esps in the correct spot, .esps from this go after John's Leveled List overhaul .esp.
8. Enable all plugins.
9. Rebuild your Bashed Patch and check off all new .esps in each section.
10. Enable bashed Patch, play and enjoy.
BAIN Archive Contents:
00 Core - John's Leveled List, John's Leveled List Overhaul.bsa
01 vanilla - vanilla leveling plugins
02 OOO - OOO/FCOM patch
03 Additional .esps - Cyrodillic Armors plugin, Mannimarco Revisited Patch.
1. Delete associated .esps and .esm and BSA(s)
Incompatible with
-Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul/FCOM (Patch Provided)
-Armamentarium (Merging with Wrye Bash bashed Patch will make them work together, otherwise it wont)
-Mart's Monster Mod (Merging with Wrye Bash bashed Patch will make them work together, otherwise it wont)
-Mannimarco Revisited(Patch Provided)
-Francesco's leveled Creatures Items (no patch planned)
-Tamriel Immersion Experience(no patch planned at the moment, may be provided in the future
Known Issues or Bugs
I can guarentee there is bugs in this mod. Any problems report to me.
1.0, 6/24/2010 - Initial release.
1.1, 24/10/2010 - Second update, includes FCOM compatibility
You can find on the BGS Forums as Johnn123
You can find me on TESNexus as Johnn123
You can find me on the TESAlliance as John - most likely contact spot
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to ThemythofStrider for vvardenfell imports, my main resource
Thanks to J3X for his daedric and dwarven staves
Thanks to Lemunde for his frail glass weapons resource
Thanks to Ronin for the nodachi model
Thanks to RDjeke for his art of war weapons resource and two handed maces resource
Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his various katana resources, icebrand and goldbrand flaming and his oblivion launcher which i feverishly used in the production of this mod
Thanks to Khugan for the akaviri ninjato
Thanks to Davidwhitefang for his blasphemous staff of the damned model
Thanks to Ronyn for the brigand armour
Thanks to severian1981 and nibato for akaviri imports
Thanks to Thanks to charles crowe for his weapons resource, mainly the rapier model used for my various rapiers
Thanks to Dall for the black baron armor and other weapons ive used
Thanks to Ancetral Ghost for the Daedric Crescent Blade
Thanks to Nicoroshi for thedoomshard bow, dreadweave set, ebony scimitars and nicos gift blades and talon of akatosh
Thanks to Najaknevrec for the elven armour assasins resource and mage equipment mod which i borrowed the glove ground model for the chitin gauntlets
Thanks to uglulyx for the stonesword resource
Thanks to lHammonds and ACDK for the kynareth armoury
Thanks to dragonBlade for the Magnir and Thoth shields
Thanks to Vason for the nordic weaponry resource
Thanks to Ryuunsun for his various scimitars
Thanks to Sinblood for the orthae sword and necromancer staff
Thanks to Throttle Kitty for some icons for the rapiers
Thanks to Ionis for the Mithril and Orcish Weapons
Thanks to Jounk for his polearms resource
Thanks to StarX for the Katanas
Thanks to WhoGuru for the Burnt Aylied Ruins Resource
Thanks to Dane for the script to close the gate to Amenophis's realm
From VI readme credits:
Store created by Omegacron (along with custom almalexia statue and paintings)
PacificMorrowind custom mesh/uv maps.
These Mods were included unaltered with permission by the author(s)
Chitin Armor and Weapon Set by Helborne.
Daedric Lord Armor by Mcmuffin
Ordinator Armor by Cyro
Hircine Armor by Zenith92/JDfan
waalx's broad poignard from the Nord set.
Meshes utilized in this mod.
Ghogiel's Armor Resource by Ghogiel
Helborne's Mesh Resource by Helborne (are we feeling redundant yet?)
Chitin Armor and Weapon Set by Helborne.
Ghogiel's Samurai armor
Divine Guardian by PaleRider
Nordic Warrior by PaleRider
Paladin Equipment by PaleRider
Underworld Armor by zertual pro
Tyreal Armor by zertual pro
Morrigan Set by jojjo
DreadKnight Set by jojjo
Phitt's Helmet Collection
Ram Shield by Guncow
Brigandine Armor by Wikinger9048
Growlf's Hot Clothes v5 - by Growlf (just wanted to type that again)
Alexscorpion's Deadly Shadows
Adamantium Armor Suit by Alexscorpion
Alexscorpion's sneaking gear
Tda's Armoury
Predator Mod vers. 6 by the Predator Team
KURESE's NPR Knight Armor
NPR's Knight Armor
Umaril's Armor Separate by Selene310187
"Masks" by jcarl904
The Forgotten Shields by Painkiller_Rider
Medieval Shields by Lhammonds
Dark Tower Shield by Lhammonds
Skeleton K's nightshade armor
Skeleton K's dark illusion armor
Luchaire's exnem warrior armor
Ambassador of Darkness by Eyren and Robert Male version by Nivea
Doppler's Armory - Ryu Doppler
Her Hands Armor - Zenith92
Helms of Legend by Shamblin Horde
Yaarm's fur and iron armor
Lancillotto's butcher armor
Hashshashin Armor v2.0 by Dimitri Mazieres
Ranger Armor by Dimitri Mazieres
Tel Auruhn Cuirass by Ginnungagap
Lich King armor by Jojjo
Exnem's Warrior Armor
Druid armor and weapons by tumbajamba
Ordinator Armor by Cyro
Meshes used in Apachi Heroes store:
skeleton K
--Thanks to JDFan for the filled bookcase meshes.
--Thanks to Mdogger, XMarkstheSpot, and Grimdeath for the guar meshes.
--Thanks to Xiamara for the pillow meshes and textures.
--Thanks to Ancestral Ghost for the kwama egg meshes and textures.
--Thanks to Mikal33 for the high-res sign texture.
And again I'd love to give huge thank you to TheMythofStrider, without him, this would naver have been possible, so thank you!
Textures that were used as a guide and resource
Darknut's High Res MW armor
Westly's Almalexia replacer.
Ghogiels Armor Resource
Apachi Heroes store
And that should be it. if anyone sees any of there awesome work not credited please say so! id hate to not credit someone for something i used!
Tools Used
7-Zip -
3D Studio Max -
Blender -
BSA Commander -
DDS Converter -
NIFSkope -
Oblivion Mod Manager -
Photoshop -
TES4Edit -
TES4Files -
TES4Gecko -
TES Construction Set -
Readme Generator -
Wrye Bash -
All new items not from Vvardenfell Imports are from modders resources. You must contact those authors and obtain their permission before use. To use content from
Vvardenfell Imports you must contact Themythofstrider and Alienslof and obtain their permission to use those items. Anything made by myself, see credits, you may
use as you see fit.
Coming in the future is a fan choice add-on for my LLOverhaul! So far these have been suggested: (Weapons only, maybe an armor too, dont expect to see the "sixy armors" from this in my mod) some of my fave weapons ever made, they're absolutely beautiful
Helbornes Morrowind Style Dwemer Weapons and Wooden Staff