She does; I wished I had chosen that pic for the October contest. Stormcloak armor looks great on everyone, especially a pretty lady
Also wished I had my digital camera charged and ready; will have to take some better ones for November...
She does; I wished I had chosen that pic for the October contest. Stormcloak armor looks great on everyone, especially a pretty lady
Also wished I had my digital camera charged and ready; will have to take some better ones for November...
You know what really feels weird when you side with the Stormcloaks as a non-Nord? The oath.
Specifically this part.
Galmar: As Talos is my witness...
Redguard guy: As Talos is my wit... wait what?
Galmar: Are you deaf, boy? Pledge your loyalty as mighty Talos bears witness to your oath today.
Redguard guy: *sigh*... FINE.
Welcome to the world of immersion and role play.
I can see how an orc would join the cloaks. orcs respect strength and honor.
I'm planning on RPing a forsworn character one of these days. I'm sure she'll do her best to change the plans I have in mind for her but joining the cloaks may be one of them.
How would you explain your fellow Forsworn trying to kill you on sight?
This does not go without saying, "It takes one to know one".
I'd love to see how a Forsworn becoming a Stormcloak can be RP'd. That's one heck of a hurdle to jump.
That's like RP'ing a Stormcloak joining the Empire.
This is true. If you really wanted to, you could make Alduin an ally.
I can figure something out plus console commands. I'll be trying to put myself into a forsworn faction. If I can't there will be two friendly camps. The one my forsworn starts out in from the Live Another Life mod. And the camp king Madanach goes to when freeing him from Cidhna Mine.
Plus... forsworn attacking a fellow forsworn is no different then RPing as a bandit and being attacked by bandits.
Its going to be a challenge but I'm looking forward to playing it all out. It will unfold in the screenshot thread in the spoiler section once I start it. I won't go into the details now but I think I got them worked out (in my mind) as to how it will all make sense.
If you acquire the Old God set, you don't even need to do anything though. It is very similar to the Grey Cowl of Oblivion.
It makes sense if you don't make sense of it.
Besides it's their version of the game and Skyrim is pretty much open arms into whatever you want to do, because you aren't required to do anything.
the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Its no secret the Reachmen and nords have not gotten along. but the empire used the nords (Ulfric and his men) to retake Markarth after the Reachmen held the city peacefully. maybe a little revenge is in order.
The Forsworn don't make alliances. The only reason the Forsworn were kept in check was because Madonach was kept hostage.
But whatever floats your boat.
never said it would be an alliance.
But your all free to come to your own conclusions. Its my RP and it will work for me.
And I think this topic is way off and needs to be put back on the right track.
As one playing a -former- Forsworn Breton, my idea is that by being Dragonborn, the character is seen as as champion of Talos/Tiber Septim, (I think the Forsworn would see them as one in the same) and therefore anathema to the Forsworn/Reachmen religion and ideal. Being the fanatics they are, the Forsworn then decide the DB is a traitor in every way, and deserves to die.
The are fanatics after all. They like that don't think like people do.
Rona went Imperial though, and tried very hard to keep her distance from her former friends and family (I imagine a great deal of yelling that she's on their side while getting shot at.) Then they killed Lydia mere days after the wedding. The next time a group of Forsworn laid eyes on Rona, she was encased in Blades armor and swinging Dragonbane, carving paths straight to the middle of Forsworn camps and forts, slaying everything that moved. Dumping the bodies of hags and looters and other fighters in rivers and streams so they could be carried deeper into the reach, and waged her own horrible war alongside the Imperial march to reclaim the Reach, squeezing the region in her own bloodied steel fist.
Most Forsworn forts and camps are empty tombs now, and Rona has completely (and publicly, by killing her former so-called "king") divested herself of and spat upon her heritage, fully embraced being Dragonborn, and now calls to Tiber Septim, rather than Talos, as her god.*
I'm sure they have some converts from both ways.
Forsworn aren't 100% buddy buddy with each other either. I've found notes where they're criticizing other forsworn groups.