And it's with an orc, but somehow feels right with this character. I'm usually strongly anti-stormcloak, but this character just seemed to progress this way. He joined the dark brotherhood where the story line... spoiler alert.... basically is attacking the empire quite severely in the end, and he seemed to just grow an organic disdain for the legion from the start. He also fell in love with, and married, Temba Wide Arms, a strong nord woman, and what capped it off I think was hearing an orc talk about how orcs have lived in skyrim since long before the nords arrived, and I just started seeing my orc kind of like some australian aborigines I know in real life (specifically an uncle of mine), who aren't exactly in love with white australians and everything they've done, but still side with them as "australians" over foreign "invaders". I started to imagine my orc was a native skyrimian (despite the somewhat immersion breaking parts of the story strongly suggesting he isn't), just saying "better the devil you know", partly influenced by his rough and tumble bossy wife, and going with the stormcloaks to preserve skyrim as "the nord homeland" for the sake of his family.
So yeah, my point is (I guess, if I reach for one) that characters can sometimes take on a life of their own and go against your own ideals and opinions, preferences and tastes, or whatever.
Any similar examples you have experienced? Ever made a character that did things or made decisions you're usually opposed to or usually wouldn't?