Hello guys! This is my first post here so I'm looking for some advice on my 'Joker Build', which I called because resembles The Joker of Batman-The Dark Knight movie.
My strat is to damage enemies with dual wield weapons (daggers), use armorless but skillful armor on sneaking and stabbing. (see spoiler if you want it) and alteration magic to protect myself, the question is, will that be enough to dragons bites? I'm a Dunmer because I liked the skillset and +50% resist fire bonus. If someone knows where the max armor cap stops would be so nice to tell me =P
Cicero's Clothes (+20% one-handed, 20% better prices)
Cicero's Hat (+35% sneaking)
Cicero's bracelets (2x damage for 1-handed stealth attacks)
Blade of Woe and Mehrunes Dagon dagger ( idk what the name is)
Amulet and rings:
I don't know if I will have enough perks for enchanting so idk if I enchant some to get more magicka or low alteration costs.
I'm going to get perks from: Sneaking, One-handed, Alteration, Destruction (maybe?), blacksmith(daedric) and some of potions if I got enough.