I found something new:
In the main script of the plugin - 'Firemoth_sail_script' I created a local variable:
short firemoth_cat_found
this variable is supposed to get set to 1 by the dialogue with the cat when you find him. It isn't being set.
I used 'sv' in the console and could not see firemoth_cat_found listed anywhere.
When I tried:
set firemoth_cat_found to 1
I got an error stating the variable didn't exist...now that seems a bit odd to me...
Here is the complete script:
begin Firemoth_sail_script;Local script on the sailor that checks local variable “sail” for warping the whole party to the island and back. ;Does the checking for who’s alive and the coordinates they get warped to. ;Sets variable "firemoth_at_island" to 1 when at the island.short state short sailshort firemoth_at_islandshort firemoth_cat_found;startup, disable it allif ( state == 0 ) "firemoth_sailor"->disable "firemoth_warrior"->disable "firemoth_archer"->disable "firemoth_mage"->disable "fm_boat_dock"->disable "fm_boat_island"->disable "fm_plank_dock"->disable "fm_plank_island"->disable "fm_cabindoor_dock"->disable "fm_cabindoor_dock"->disable "fm_ship_trapdoor_dock"->disable "fm_ship_trapdoor_dock"->disable "fm_lantern_dock"->disable "fm_lantern_island"->disable "skeleton_fm_king"->disable set state to 10 returnendifif ( CharGenState == -1 ) "fm_boat_dock"->enable "fm_plank_dock"->enable "fm_cabindoor_dock"->enable "fm_ship_trapdoor_dock"->enable "fm_lantern_dock"->enable "fm_boat_island"->enable "fm_plank_island"->enable "fm_cabindoor_island"->enable "fm_ship_trapdoor_island"->enable "fm_lantern_island"->enableendif;check for journal entry and turn everything onif ( GetJournalIndex "ms_firemoth" == 10 ) if ( state != 20 ) "firemoth_sailor"->enable "firemoth_warrior"->enable "firemoth_archer"->enable "firemoth_mage"->enable "firemoth_gate_1"->unlock "firemoth_gate_2"->unlock "skeleton_fm_king"->enable set state to 20 return endifendifif ( menumode == 1 ) returnendif;disable everything again now that quest is overif ( GetJournalIndex "ms_firemoth" == 100 ) if ( state != 100 ) "firemoth_sailor"->disable "firemoth_warrior"->disable "firemoth_archer"->disable "firemoth_mage"->disable "firemoth_cat"->disable "skeleton_fm_king"->disable set state to 100 return endifendifif ( sail == 0 ) returnendif;**********************************************************;; warping!!!;;**********************************************************;boat has been told to sail from dialogue (sailor sets sail to 1)if ( sail == 1 ) ;the boat is at dock if ( firemoth_at_island == 0 ) ;the boat is at dock ;everyone to island if (GetDeadCount "firemoth_sailor" == 0 ) ;"firemoth_sailor"->position -62789, -68350, 76, 126 "firemoth_sailor"->position -64260.484, -66447.242, 211.193, 74 endif if (GetDeadCount "firemoth_warrior" == 0 ) "firemoth_warrior"->position -62550, -68662, 146, 57 "firemoth_warrior"->AiFollow, player, 0 0 0 0 endif if (GetDeadCount "firemoth_archer" == 0 ) "firemoth_archer"->position -62634, -68808, 124, 46 "firemoth_archer"->AiFollow, player 0 0 0 0 endif if (GetDeadCount "firemoth_mage" == 0 ) "firemoth_mage"->position -62701, -68693, 119, 74 "firemoth_mage"->AiFollow, player 0 0 0 0 endif if ( firemoth_cat_found == 1) if ( GetDeadCount "firemoth_cat" == 0 ) "firemoth_cat"->positioncell -62781.461, -68788.531, 124.000, 74 "Firemoth Region" "firemoth_cat"->AiFollow, player 0 0 0 0 endif endif player->position -62501, -68693, 119, 74 set firemoth_at_island to 1 ;sail back to Seyda Neen else if (GetDeadCount "firemoth_sailor" == 0 ) "firemoth_sailor"->position -8992, -73041, 209, 331 endif if (GetDeadCount "firemoth_warrior" == 0 ) "firemoth_warrior"->position -8115, -73335, 250, 268 "firemoth_warrior"->AiWander 0 0 0 0 0 endif if (GetDeadCount "firemoth_archer" == 0 ) "firemoth_archer"->position -8436, -73596, 250, 46 "firemoth_archer"->AiWander 0 0 0 0 0 endif if (GetDeadCount "firemoth_mage" == 0 ) "firemoth_mage"->position -8589, -73584, 250, 74 "firemoth_mage"->AiWander 0 0 0 0 0 endif if ( firemoth_cat_found == 1 ) if ( GetDeadCount "firemoth_cat" == 0 ) "firemoth_cat"->positioncell -8274.615, -73236.875, 250, 225.0 "Seyda Neen" "firemoth_cat"->AiWander 0 0 0 0 0 endif endif player->position -9128, -73043, 209, 300 set firemoth_at_island to 0 endif set sail to 0endifend Firemoth_sail_script