Journalist Character Screens: Quakecon, London, Gamescom

Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:10 pm

Thanks, in regards to the screens I honestly dont know, sorry

Can you tell us what Altmer look like and how they've changed since Oblivion?
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:29 am

My main gripe with the race designs, so far, is that the elf races are too similar. Sure there's some differences, but between the "high customization" they've been promising and what we've seen so far, I fear it will be easy for an elf of one race to become indistinguishable from another race. Especially the Wood Elves... in previous games, they were short and devilish looking, and almost child-like in a way. Even in Oblivion, you could tell the elf races apart with little trouble. But the first Skyrim Wood Elf pic released had people confusing it with a Dunmer due to the purple-ish skin tone and menacing look. And the second one doesn't lend itself to the "short, devilish" appearence of previous games, either; if it wasn't for the browin-ish skin tone, I would've though it could be a High Elf.

In my view, so far, there seems to be much more differentiation between the races than Oblivion.

In Oblivion Altmer, Bosmer and Dunmer seemed to have essentially the same face models, only with different color hair, eyes and skin tone.

In Skyrim, we have not yet seen the Altmer, but the Skyrim Dunmer and Skyrim Bosmer have entirely different bone structure and facial characteristics. It is refreshing to see some fundamental differentiation between these Mer races. And both look fantastic, especially considering the journalists have spent only a few minutes in the character creator.
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Helen Quill
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:47 am

Are we still waiting for some screens? :unsure2:
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:18 am

(starts furiously crying)


BRETONS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
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El Khatiri
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:58 pm

I really don't see how people can be confusing Bosmer with Dunmer. So far, the Dunmer look vicious, kind of like a desperate animal, fighting back against wall, and the real give away being the greyish-purple skin and red eyes while the Bosmer have a complexion ranging from pale beige to light copper, nothing at all like Dunmer, and the Bosmer look more calm, like a seasoned veteran or a patient ranger
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:57 am

Visions! Can you confirm if the lady sitting down in is an Altmer? (And can you tell us if the guy playing the harp is a Breton?)

Edit: (BTW, I love the rugs on the floor in this picture, too. Very colorful. I can't wait to see how player houses are decorated.)
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:53 am

Visions! Can you confirm if the lady sitting down in is an Altmer? (And can you tell us if the guy playing the harp is a Breton?)

Edit: (BTW, I love the rugs on the floor in this picture, too. Very colorful. I can't wait to see how player houses are decorated.)

Oh and can you tell us why both the Bosmer on the Elder Scrolls site have been labelled Wolf=Elf? typo right?
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Karine laverre
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:16 am

I really don't see how people can be confusing Bosmer with Dunmer. So far, the Dunmer look vicious, kind of like a desperate animal, fighting back against wall, and the real give away being the greyish-purple skin and red eyes while the Bosmer have a complexion ranging from pale beige to light copper, nothing at all like Dunmer, and the Bosmer look more calm, like a seasoned veteran or a patient ranger

The first Bosmer character pic had a blueish/purple skin tone with a pretty angry look. It's not hard to confuse it with a Dunmer when you consider the supposed costumization options (I mean, look at the body frame and skin tone of the female Redguard, compared to the male Redguard; that's a heck of a difference). I wouldn't doubt the "calmness" of the characters is customizable too... it's been stated that we have yet to see just how "brutal" characters can be made to look, which tells me we can make characters of any race with calm expressions and very menacing ones.

The only Bosmer I've seen that looks like a Bosmer is the Riverwood one from the GI article, the trailer, and E3/QC demo video, where you mostly saw him from the back. The Bosmer character pics released look nothing like him.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:03 pm

I really hope we get at least one more screen by the end of the day! Altmer would be nice...just to see how different they are from bosmers and dunmers. We can't really tell for sure what race that woman is sitting down in the assassination scene. More people say it is an altmer but I've read somewhere that some others think it may be a female orc? Can we get a confirmation on that vsions?
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le GraiN
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:21 am

The Nord from ( ) looks like Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:41 am

My main gripe with the race designs, so far, is that the elf races are too similar. Sure there's some differences, but between the "high customization" they've been promising and what we've seen so far, I fear it will be easy for an elf of one race to become indistinguishable from another race. Especially the Wood Elves... in previous games, they were short and devilish looking, and almost child-like in a way. Even in Oblivion, you could tell the elf races apart with little trouble. But the first Skyrim Wood Elf pic released had people confusing it with a Dunmer due to the purple-ish skin tone and menacing look. And the second one doesn't lend itself to the "short, devilish" appearence of previous games, either; if it wasn't for the browin-ish skin tone, I would've though it could be a High Elf.

So far they're far more unique than oblivion. in Oblivion it pretty much seemed that they had the exact same face models, the only difference was that bosmer were short and chubby, dunmer were blue and had red eyes, and altmer were tall and had thin heads. It didn't help that they all shared the same voice actor either. Wow, lots of variation there.

Comparing the shots we have of Dunmer and Bosmer now just shows how much different they are. They have different features and facial structures, different ear shapes, different skin coloration etc.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:11 am

The Elder Scrolls aren't the most popular games out there currently... But one thing is for sure, people are going to know TES the way they know Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo, and dare I say it Call of Duty. Without even playing, I know the Skyrim is astounding already! I Think we're all going to be proud in the future when we can say we played TES before it was so popular (with casual gamers of course)

By the way I don't think I said Congratz yet Bootysweat! You deffinatly earned it, when ever I saw a thread started by you, I checked it out no matter what it was because of the work you put into the OP!

And Congratz my fellow devs, Vsions and Maverique, Im extremely proud of the detail you've put into these characters! Can you tell us if anyone made a nord character at Quakecon, really mysterious races so far, kidding:)
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:34 am

The Elder Scrolls aren't the most popular games out there currently... But one thing is for sure, people are going to know TES the way they know Mass Effect, Bioshock, Halo, and dare I say it Call of Duty. Without even playing, I know the Skyrim is astounding already! I Think we're all going to be proud in the future when we can say we played TES before it was so popular (with casual gamers of course)

TES has been popular since Morrowind. It's not like it has a small fanbase, the series sells a lot of copies.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:57 am

(starts furiously crying)


BRETONS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know they will probably be putting out screenies of Bretons and Altmers eventually. Let's just try to be patient and not focus on it so much, and next thing you know, SURPRISE! There they'll be.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:28 am

So far they're far more unique than oblivion. in Oblivion it pretty much seemed that they had the exact same face models, the only difference was that bosmer were short and chubby, dunmer were blue and had red eyes, and altmer were tall and had thin heads. It didn't help that they all shared the same voice actor either. Wow, lots of variation there.

Comparing the shots we have of Dunmer and Bosmer now just shows how much different they are. They have different features and facial structures, different ear shapes, different skin coloration etc.

Skyrim's elves are different than Oblivion's and more detailed, but we don't yet know just how distinctive they are from one another. As I've mentioned, it's not hard to tell the different elf races apart in Oblivion, despite them being based on the same model, while the first clear shot of the Bosmer could be easily confused for a Dunmer, and the second could be assumed to be an Altmer were it not for the darkened (non-golden/pastey) skin tone. The only one that's clearly recognizable as the kind of Bosmer you'd expect from the series is from the Riverwood portion of the demo. That shows a huge variation in how the elves can look, which leaves them with fewer distinctive or recognizable features.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:03 pm

TES has been popular since Morrowind. It's not like it has a small fanbase, the series sells a lot of copies.

I know. Even Oblivion was huge, but most modern casual gamers (atleast that I know of) never even heard of Oblivion or Morrowind, and forget the previous TES games. What I mean to say its not nearly as reconized as Bioshock, WoW, COD, Mass Effect, Starcraft, Grand Theft Auto, and even Dragon Age, its a level beneath them I'd say, in terms of popularity, but when Skyrim is released I'm sure thats going to change!
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:49 am

I just want to put my 2 cents in this and say these NPC's I saw in gamepro they look good. They look a lot different in Oblivion and Morrowind and I like it.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:01 am

Actually.. thinking about it, haven't we already seen an altmer?

Found in this picture:

Actually, now that we've seen them, I think that might in fact be a Bosmer. Look at the way the ears are pointed, and the alien look to the eyes, it looks an awful lot like And though it's hard to tell because she's sitting down, she doesn't seem tall enough to me to be an Altmer.
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:26 am

Actually, now that we've seen them, I think that might in fact be a Bosmer. Look at the way the ears are pointed, and the alien look to the eyes, it looks an awful lot like And though it's hard to tell because she's sitting down, she doesn't seem tall enough to me to be an Altmer.

No :brokencomputer:
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:37 am

No :brokencomputer:

And why not?

EDIT: Look at the shape of the eye sockets, and the angle of the ears. The whole bone structure of the face is pretty darn similar.
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:20 pm

And why not?

EDIT: Look at the shape of the eye sockets, and the angle of the ears. The whole bone structure of the face is pretty darn similar.

She bears the Altmer skin color.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:46 pm

She bears the Altmer skin color.

That's it? Not only have we seen two Bosmer with two completely different skin tones, but the lighting is dim, she's in the back and the glow of the fire could very well be giving her that particular hue. At this point we have no idea what the Altmer are going to look like, you have to at least admit there's a resemblance in various aspects of their features.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:56 pm

That's it? Not only have we seen two Bosmer with two completely different skin tones, but the lighting is dim, she's in the back and the glow of the fire could very well be giving her that particular hue. At this point we have no idea what the Altmer are going to look like, you have to at least admit there's a resemblance in various aspects of their features.

You just want something more different. It's a altmer, stop trying to make your head explode. Altmer look like aliens in this game.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:28 am

You just want something more different. It's a altmer, stop trying to make your head explode. Altmer look like aliens in this game.

You don't know that yet, you go by one picture which features a speculated Altmer woman which can barely be seen.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:53 am

You don't know that yet, you go by one picture which features a speculated Altmer woman which can barely be seen.

I shall leave you with a warning sign
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