The left anologue stick. It will work completely fine, I will walk if I slightly push the stick, and my speed will build up the further I push it. Until a limit. When I've almost got the stick fully pushed, I'll walk again. It's pretty annoying when I'm spending half my fights walking. I instinctivly push the stick as far as it can go. Can anyone help me out? I've looked around the internet, and around these forums, but every time I try something, I get no good results.
I use Xpadder to map most of the buttons needed, but I can't do it for the left anologue stick, for three reasons:
- I pretty much lose the ability to walk, unless I use a toggle run button. I have no spare space on the pad for that.
- I get another problem with walking when I use this method that's impossible to fix. (buggy diagonal walking)
- Using the in-game method gives me more control. It's very... all over the place, when I map the anologue stick to WASD.
I'm using an Xbox 360 pad.