Julan is so awesome it hurts. My only issues arise not from the mod but from the limitations of the game itself. It's hard to get his disposition up when I play a character who's been in prison for so long she has the social skills of an angry baboon (translation: she has low speechcraft and personality scores

He's also such a fast learner that I had to leave him in Ald'Ruhn for a while so I could train.

I have a few questions, the first one is a biggie:
When I read that the mod needs to be activated in a new game or at least before you get the Vivec informants quest, I took this to mean that as long as I start a new game I could role-play my way to Julan at my leisure and ended up picking him up right after Vivec. Did I make a stupid, stupid mistake here, or can I just take him to Vivec real quick? We've already paid Shani a visit and I talked to her alone for a while, so I'm now traveling alone with Julan in Ald'Ruhn, unaware that I spoke to Shani about him.
Second question: Attributes. You say in the read-me that his attributes raise with his skills. Does this mean he uses Galsiah's system? If I want to increase his health, for example, I could train acrobatics and heavy armor, right?
Last question: How long did all of this take you? I'd love to try my hand at making a similar companion, specifically with the interactions with other companion mods.
Thanks a lot for this, I think I may actually bother to beat the game now that I have someone to whine about the weather.