So I was on page 1 of this thread for one reason or another, and I saw these comments which I somehow totally missed before!
I love this mod and cant go without it, but there is just one litte thing I noticed that seemed sortof immersion breaking to me...
Ok, so most of my characters are Telvanni, and thus pro-slavery. I read the part where Julan voices his opinion on slavery and fully expected a fight when I went ahead and bought myself a walking backpack slave. Of course, Julan dosent even grumble about it, which threw me for a loop. I was wondering when/if a new version begins, if this little thing could be addressed? Im sorry to bother about it, but it just annoyed me a bit....
Well, I thought that the Dunmer were sort of ambivalent towards slaves, and that Julan would just not care either way with slaves.
But, as Adea said, Julan's pretty vocal about his anti-slavery position.

@Adea Da'Zin
You're right, it would be cool if Julan commented on that. I'll try to if there's a good way to implement it without altering the base game...
@gaiusimperator @Zaarin
Julan is, indeed, vocally anti-slavery, although he's conflicted about it, since in theory he's in favour of preserving Dunmer traditions. I think it got going when he started defining the Imperial occupation as a form of slavery (more for rhetorical reasons than logical ones, I think) and someone (probably Minabibi) pointed out to him that he was being a hypocrite. Also, he is capable of being pretty compassionate, once the suffering of others is shoved far enough under his self-absorbed nose that he can't miss it.
Mostly, though, yeah:
I think you all are missing the point - Julan is a hypocrite. :slap:
About a lot of things. I'm always surprised he doesn't get called out on it more than he does!