I employ a lot of difficulty enhancing mods and at level 27 have the slider cranked to approx 90%.
Even so, with a little care my Redguard is still finding enemies relatively easy.
Julan does not, and dies in almost every combat situation, in spite of having trained him to 82 in light armour.
Trying to keep him out of harms way I've leveled his marksman to 77, restoration to 43, and destruction to 52, instructing him to use only ranged and magic.
Even keeping him supplied with numerous exclusive restore health and mana potions doesn't help.
Apart from the obvious solution of decreasing the game difficulty, any tips on keeping him alive?
I really don't want to discard him, but I can't keep using the "resurrect" command with the console.
Uh, yeah... if you "resurrect" him, it'll break the mod, since his quest-people will think he's dead.
If you've loaded up on difficulty-increase mods, well, that's your choice, but Julan's balanced more to the vanilla game, sooo... all you can do is train up all his skills and deck him out with good armor.weapons and a ton of potions, I guess. I find it helps to tell him to save his magic for healing only, then he doesn't run out so fast.
(Sorry for not keeping an eye on this thread as much as I should, but I find the new forum design almost impossible to read.

Please PM me if you really need me, I'll be sure to see that! Thanks tons to everyone who helped out by posting answers and advice in the thread! <3 )