Some of you are familiar with my newest Role Play of Juno Eclipse, from the video game Star Wars The Force Unleashed. I have an idea for making her into a assassin, like General Kota told her before she went on the mission (Lore, ask me about it if you want to know) and to stay alive do whatever it takes to gain thier trust and live to come back. So in my mind a assassin/nightblade would suit perfectly. Ranged ONLY when necessary, dagger for throat slitting. Ranged less because all my builds are mainly archers. But what do you think? Any tips or a different type of build? I'm doing the Oghma Infinuim Glitch (because I'm lazy and don't want to level up the old fashioned way) and am LVL 11 so I got time to change, no perks invested yet. So any ideas?