Of course its not exactly the same, and Nords arent exactly in danger of being conquered without it, but they significantly weakened their military might by falling to Jurgen's teachings.
Of course its not exactly the same, and Nords arent exactly in danger of being conquered without it, but they significantly weakened their military might by falling to Jurgen's teachings.
The Greybeard's "tune" though? They taught Ulfric stuff. He uses the Thu'um and doesn't strike me as a pacifist.
They teach the Dragonborn regardless of anything because they know it's their job and the DB is their hope.
Ulfric went against their teachings.
And Arngeir was very reluctant to do so.
I don't agree with all of the people following the Way of the Voice.. but I'm not exactly sure if it's Jurgen's fault that no more become Tongues.
I doubt it'd work that way. No Tongue has had the power that the Greybeards have. No Tongue could shout down Jurgen Windcaller. From what we've observed, only by following the Way of the Voice (or by being Ysmir, Dragon of the North), have the Nords been able to unlock the Thu'um's potential.
I don't think we really know anything about that college.
Well, Jurgen and the other tongues who agreed to follow his teachings, but it was his change of direction after his defeat that led to it. It starts with him. He's the one that came up with his crackpot theory on what the gods meant for the voice. With no say from the gods themselves.
No, Arngeir makes it very clear that the Dragonborn is meant to use the Thu'um for war. They counselled Tiber Septim and told him he must conquer Tamriel. They (according to TESO) summoned Wulfharth's ghost to fight against the Akaviri.
Given the power the Greybeards have unlocked, especially compared to the Tongues, perhaps it wasn't crackpot at all.
It's hard to say what The Way of the Voice really means though. What does enlightenment mean? Because in TES it almost always means CHIM. I know that it seems to work for Paarthurnax. I'm not saying I totally agree with it, but since he was the most powerful Tongue who ever lived, perhaps he was more in accordance with Kyne than others. After all.. the Thu'um was only granted to men in "times of great need."
They cant even if they wanted to. The point that you missed was that he made this up.
This is true, but it was given to them by Paarthurnax, not Kyne. It's just magic, but even in the legend, it never said to my knowledge, and correct me if I am wrong, that it was only given for great need.
That pilgrim woman who's names starts with K who mediates on the stone tablet speaking of Kyne and won't say who she is, is an avatar of Kyne IMO and could go and tell them if she wished
If that is really an avatar of her, but if it was, she is changed, so she no longer would feel the same way if she disagreed before.
Kyne gave men the ability to learn it, and called on Paarthurnax to teach them. I'm not saying it was said to be only for great need, but the reason why Kyne granted the Nords the ability was because it was a desperate situation, thus invoking the "time of great need" philosophy rather than use during conquests.
Only thing I remember is if you say "I will try to follow the way of the voice" Arngeir says that is noble, but Akatosh wouldn't give you the gift if you were not meant to use it.
We don't actually know Kyne did anything though. Paarthurnax makes no mention of it. He just says he decided to teach them because of Alduin's cruelty and his vanity.
Nope. Kyne is Kyne. Kynareth is Kynareth. Just because Akatosh grants dragonsouls doesn't mean Auri-El does.
Jurgen was a wuss he lost a fight and concluded that meant he should give up fighting an contemplate the sky what a milk drinker.
? I know, but the nords worship Kyne, and if she did intend for the thu'um to be used for war, she wouldn't now.