I always take it, as it enables me to use all the cheap stuff I rarely bother selling to repair the expensive stuff that I then sell for a boatload of caps.
Lately, however, I have been thinking of dropping it as I end up with so many expensive items that I overload the game economy, and amass hundreds of thousands of caps in short order by recycling the vendors in order to sell all of it. The fact I always run Barter up doesn't help, as I am getting full or near-full (I altered the values in the pricing formulae such that 100 Barter takes out the 'ripoff' factor) value on all this stuff. I
do have an almost completely reworked Repair system in my game, though, so this is not necessarily the case for everyone.
The ability to mass-produce Weapon Repair Kits does not help either, as the game economy just cannot handle players with a high Barter cashing in expensive items for a pile of stuff to repair up and sell in turn, as one quickly ends up with far more value than all the vendors combined have caps and supplies to trade for. Some of this can be drained by amassing ludicrous amounts of ammunition, but I don't bother with that as there's no real point unless I'm using a Minigun or Gatling Laser as my sole weapon.