For me part of the 'magic' of the game was the fact that there was no hand holding. Yes you will get clues on where something is but you will have to find it on your own. And while trying to find it, you may discover new places and odd things.
many people dislike the combat system. I tend to look at it like this: I may only have a basic understanding of how to wield a sword. Through lots of repitition and practice, I improve. That's kinda of how it is here. Give someone a gun for the first time and see how well they hit targets 50 ft away. Probably not too well. After training and practice, they will improve.
many people dislike the combat system. I tend to look at it like this: I may only have a basic understanding of how to wield a sword. Through lots of repitition and practice, I improve. That's kinda of how it is here. Give someone a gun for the first time and see how well they hit targets 50 ft away. Probably not too well. After training and practice, they will improve.
The system works but it doesn't feel like you directly influence the fight in anyway other then rolling dice. I like the system more in a turn based RPG than a more action oriented RPG because in a turn based RPG you understand that you aren't directly controlling the character, you're just giving him/her order. In a more action oriented RPG it feels clunky and artificial because you're in direct control. That being said I've become a clicking madmen in Morrowind, especially in combat.