This is my opinion, but I believe the best race is unquestionably either the High elf, or the Breton. The reason for this is that fortified magicka can't be learned. In Oblivion, I can start a Breton, and just make sure to sneak in a populated room before leveling up. That would give me the +10 agility a wood elf started with in no time. However, If I were to start a wood elf, I would never have access to the increased magicka beyond raising my intelligence, a birthsign, or magical items. You have to look ahead. Once all your skills are at 100, having that increased agility in the beginning of the game is irrelevant; whereas the additional magicka will always be invaluable.
Sure, you can make the point that Argonians can breathe underwater, or Nords slightly resist frost! But those things simply do not matter as much. In the end, increased magicka is the way to go.
Those are my thoughts: What do you guys think? Am I missing something?
Uhh, their the best races in skyrim, so, umm, skyrim related, sort of.......