» Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:41 pm
I was extremely disillusioned. I loved the concept of the Legion (despite the flaws) and was indeed true to Ceasar, but although the build up was great, the lack of quests for the Legion was bitterly disappointing. With the NCR, I geniunely felt as if I were a member, but with the Legion... nah, because there was nothing to do. Hell, the one time I could partake in a small battle (Nelson vs Forlorn Hope), it turns out I fight on my own... brilliant. I know those were orders, but still, it would have been much more entertaining.
The lack of locations frustrated me, too. Of course, I understand that the Mojave is not Ceasar's land, but I expected more than one base and perhaps two other small outposts. The Legion appears to be well organised, and a result of that is the quick, efficient mobilisation of legionnaries, but where could they come from? Arizona isn't far, true, but surely they'd need some in the Mojave region -- I saw nothing of this.
It just came across as if Obsidian were heavily biased towards the NCR. Don't get me wrong, the NCR was done brilliantly, but it was almost as if they didn't care for the Legion. Oh, well.