» Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:02 am
They're AI, what can you really expect?
Boone has allways done that thing of pulling out his machette and going 'nyaah!'. I thought it was he was a bit of a poser, because it does look quite tough and cool, and it's quite reassuring to have someone with so much bravado covering you.
And Ed-E? That thing has allways been mental!!
I made the mistake of taking it to the quarry the other day (Had some hankering for a deathclaw ommelette) and my charecter and boone were stealthily working our way round the edges, very stealthy, very sneaky. I'd of course set Ed-E to be the same (Ie dont attack unless I do, stay close, etc).
In the distance, I see a group of Deathclaws, they look big, they look scary. Me and Boone are staying back, checking out the terrain, evaluating the situation, making a plan on how best to take out the [censored]ers. And then "BEEPEPEPEEPEDEE BEEEE BEEEEEEE!!!" and, Ed-E just shoots off, firing off it's pissant little lasers at the entire bloody gang of Deathclaws... And there wasnt a damn thing I could do about it.
Of course, ED-E got smacked down by one Deathclaw, it was not disimilar to a human swatting a mosquito out of the air with a rolled up magazine..
[Ed-E is unconcious]
But then of course, the Deathclaws were closer. And scented fresh, tasty, human flesh. After swarming over Ed-Es poor unconcious body they stampeded towards the myself and boone...
But that's just AI for you. It's the same in many games, and not a particular issue with the makers of Fallout!
There's only a limit to how intelligent AI can actuallty be, unfortunately..